Brilliant Scientist Gov. Andrew Cuomo Claims Hurricanes and Tornadoes Didn’t Exist Before ‘Man Made Climate Change’

The brilliant scientist, Governor of New York and brother of Fredo, Andrew Cuomo opened his mouth and words came out.  None of them, of course, were based in reality.

While discussing the flooding in New York State on MSNBC Friday, Cuomo declared “anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point. We have seen in the state of New York what every one has seen. We see these weather patterns that we never had before.”

We didn’t have hurricanes. We didn’t have superstorms. We didn’t have tornadoes. This is a storm that came up just overnight, dropped about five inches of rain, and it was literally a matter of life or death for people.

He then added, “I was at one of the sites this morning, a river overcame its banks with five inches of water, ran through a residential neighborhood. The streets looked like rivers themselves.”

“People were trapped in their homes. The one home you’re mentioning was people were afraid the house itself was going to be swept away. Luckily we train with the swift water rescue teams, and they literally took five people out of the home, including an infant, but it was a very dangerous and very precarious situation. Thank God we have the best first responders, I believe, in the United States, and everyone got off safely. But this is a recurring pattern, and anyone who is still in denial is making a very serious mistake.”

If you like, you can watch the Professor spewing the words:


Brilliant Scientist Gov. Andrew Cuomo Claims Hurricanes and Tornadoes Didn’t Exist Before ‘Man Made Climate Change’ Brilliant Scientist Gov. Andrew Cuomo Claims Hurricanes and Tornadoes Didn’t Exist Before ‘Man Made Climate Change’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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