Steve Scalise didn’t pull any punches this morning in calling out Pelosi’s impeachment resolution as something akin to what the Soviets would have done:
Scalise argued that Pelosi’s impeachment resolution gives the chair veto authority to reject any witness that is brought forward by Republicans AND the chair can also veto the ability for the president to have legal counsel in the room.
Scalise called this unprecedented and said these are “Soviet Style Rules”:
“Maybe in the Soviet Union you do things like this, where only you make the rules; where you reject the ability for the person you’re accusing to even be in the room, to question what’s going on; for anybody else to call witnesses when only one person has the right to call witnesses. And as we saw the other day, the chairman was literally directing the witness to not answer certain questions by Republicans. What kind of fairness is that?”
As I write this the House has just begun voting. I will bring you the results as soon as they become available. Watch the video to hear more of what Scalise said…

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