Anti-Trump journalist Marcy Wheeler recently dubbed Barr a public relations genius. It wasn’t meant as a compliment.
In a series of tweets, Wheeler claimed that Barr is only “a PR genius compared the rest of these dopes” in the Trump administration, and went on to lay out the reasons why she felt he should be impeached. She’s far from being the only one calling for his removal.
Daily Beast writer Max Moran penned an article called “Don’t Stop With Donald Trump, Democrats: Impeach Attorney General Bill Barr.” In it, he lays out his complaints.
“Barr has not just failed in his duty to carry out and enforce the law as attorney general. He has also used the power of his office to go after Trump’s enemies,” Moran alleged.
“We now know that he has served as a leading ‘diplomat’ for a sort of shadow ‘the president is the state’ foreign policy, conducted with at least the United Kingdom, Italy, and Australia” he went on. “Barr is a leader in a broad administration effort to demand that U.S. allies aide Trump in legitimizing, maintaining and strengthening his personal hold on power.”
“Barr, in other words, is a key target of any investigation into Trump’s seemingly criminal abuse of power. This gives Democrats ample justification to zero in on the attorney general,” Moran summarized before going on to accuse Barr of being “even less ethical than his horrific predecessor, Jeff Sessions.”
Washington Post columnist Max Boot, a compulsive Trump critic, also called for Barr’s impeachment earlier this month, upset that Barr is “flying around the world to pressure allies to cooperate with his politically motivated probe designed to show that the investigation of Trump’s ties to Russia was actually a ‘witch hunt’ by the so-called deep state — just as Trump claims.”
“The hypocrisy here is breathtaking”
Boot’s complaint is revealing. As former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy argued in the pages of National Review, the real reason the left and the political establishment wants to get rid of Barr is to protect Obama-era officials who are in danger of being exposed.
“The misimpression they seek to create is that Barr is putting the nation’s law-enforcement powers in the service of Trump’s reelection campaign, in the absence of any public interest,” McCarthy contends.
“The hope,” he suggests, “is that this will delegitimize not only any information that emerges from Ukraine but the whole of the Justice Department’s investigation of intelligence and law-enforcement abuses of power attendant to the 2016 election.”
“The hypocrisy here is breathtaking, even by Adam Schiff standards,” McCarthy wrote. But if the left is going after Barr, they must be worried. And that’s a good sign.
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