UPDATE: ‘Witnesses’ For Blasey Ford Now Admitting They Were COERCED To Corroborate Her False Claims!

CBS reported last night that the high school friend of Christine Blasey Ford, who was named by Ford as the one who could corroborate her story, said she was threatened with a smear campaign if she didn’t come forward to corroborate Ford’s story:

CBS reporter Jan Crawford later tweeted her reporting last night saying “We report tonight the real bombshell: Christine Ford’s close HS friend (who Ford says was at the party when Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her) said Ford’s story is not believable and told the FBI Ford’s allies pressured her, threatened her with a smear campaign to say otherwise.”

The Federalist details the smear campaign that Leland Keyser, the friend in question, was told would happen by Ford’s allies:

The authors also acknowledge what had previously been reported in “Justice on Trial,” about the efforts of mutual friends to get her to change her testimony to be more supportive of Blasey Ford. The reporters say that some of Blasey Ford’s friends “had grown frustrated with Keyser. Her comments about the alleged Kavanaugh incident had been too limited, some of them felt, and did not help their friend’s case. Surely, given what a close friend Keyser had been, she could say more to substantiate Ford’s testimony and general veracity, even if she could not corroborate Ford’s more specific memories.”

A group text was formed in which friends such as Cheryl Amitay and Lulu Gonella discussed how to get her to say something more helpful to the cause. An unnamed man on the text suggested that they defame her as an addict. Keyser has been in recovery for some time, as her friends know and as has previously been reported.

Amitay answered, “Leland is a major stumbling block.” While asserting she didn’t want her to make anything up out of whole cloth, she offered ideas for things that could sound supportive of Ford’s story, such as that she’d been in similar situations with Blasey Ford that summer.

“I was told behind the scenes that certain things could be spread about me if I didn’t comply,” Keyser told the reporters, a stunning admission of the pressure to which she was subjected to by Blasey Ford’s allies.

How absolutely vicious. And yet Democrats still hold this story up as the reason Kavanaugh should be impeached.

It should be noted that the NY Times reporters who interviewed Keyser and detailed this in their book were the same ones who wrote the Kavanaugh smear article that left out that huge detail revealing the latest accusation didn’t really happen.

It says something very bad about these two NYT reporters, that they chose to smear Kavanaugh with an incident that never happened instead of writing about Leland being blackmailed by Ford’s allies.


UPDATE: ‘Witnesses’ For Blasey Ford Now Admitting They Were COERCED To Corroborate Her False Claims! UPDATE: ‘Witnesses’ For Blasey Ford Now Admitting They Were COERCED To Corroborate Her False Claims! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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