Trump’s campaign manager shares video highlighting Joe Biden’s many gaffes

Former Vice President Joe Biden has become known for gaffes and verbal missteps — and now, the Trump campaign is making use of the 2020 frontrunner’s blunders.

President Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, shared a video on Twitter on Tuesday that highlights Biden’s biggest gaffes from recent weeks — and it only goes to show how much better off Trump is going into 2020.

Take a look for yourself:

“Not that good at this”

According to Breitbart, the video opens by alluding to a comment allegedly made to Biden by former President Barack Obama: “You don’t have to do this, Joe. You really don’t.” Next comes a clip from CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 in which a pundit describes the former VP as seeming “unsteady at many points.”

The video then cuts to footage from last week’s Democratic debate in which Biden told low-income parents to “make sure you have the record player on at night.”

There’s also a scene in which Biden refers to fellow 2020 hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) as “the future president here,” which is followed by a clip of Booker separately questioning Biden’s ability to “carry the ball all the way across the end-line without fumbling.”

But it’s hard to run out of gaffes to highlight when it comes to Biden. According to the New York Post,Joe 30330” has been caught on tape saying that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids,” and in recent weeks, he talked about loving the beauty of Vermont while campaigning in New Hampshire, Fox News reports.

“You just wonder”

In the video shared by Parscale, Biden’s blunders are interspersed with remarks from commentators — and they aren’t favorable.

The clip shows one pundit reading a quote from an Obama administration official who said, “Biden’s strength has never been his clarity of remarks or his delivery. But watching his long, winding answers that don’t really make sense in recent debates has also raised the question as to whether that has gotten worse and whether he is up for this.”

Others liken him to a “deer in the headlights,” complaining that he seems “really shaky” and “not that good at this.” Another wondered aloud whether Biden has “the mental and physical stamina to get through this campaign.”

The ad concludes with Biden appearing to fall asleep while a voiceover of Booker says what we’ve all been thinking: “There are definitely moments when you listen to Joe Biden, and you just wonder.” Wonder, indeed.

Trump’s campaign manager shares video highlighting Joe Biden’s many gaffes Trump’s campaign manager shares video highlighting Joe Biden’s many gaffes Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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