Rudy Giuliani says he will release more evidence on Joe and Hunter Biden

The “whistleblower” hoax isn’t going quite like the left anticipated.

What was supposed to be a scandal about Trump “colluding” with Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden has placed a magnifying glass over the former vice president, his son Hunter, and some dubious business deals in Ukraine and China. Rudy Giuliani warned Monday that he will begin releasing “a lot more evidence” of wrongdoing by the Bidens as Democrats ramp up calls for impeachment.

“Biden was asked about it for the first time on Saturday,” Giuliani said. “Biden was asked about it on Sunday. You start asking Biden, he’s going to fall apart. It’s not over. There’s a lot more evidence I’m going to put out. I put one out today: money laundering. I got a bigger one for tomorrow. I got a bigger one for the day after.”

Giuliani previews “evidence” implicating Bidens

Over the last week, the president’s lawyer has been on a media blitz fighting accusations that President Trump made a promise to Ukraine in exchange for dirt on Biden. The scandal erupted when an anonymous intelligence official filed a complaint that Trump made a quid pro quo with a foreign government in a July phone call. The controversy widened when the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump asked Ukraine’s president to investigate the Bidens’ involvement with the country.

Democrats almost immediately called for Trump’s impeachment. But as threatened to impeach Trump and demanded that he release the whistleblower complaint, their hysteria ironically drew attention to scandals involving Biden’s son. Biden bragged last year about coercing Ukraine to fire a top prosecutor who had investigated a company, Burisma Holdings, in which Hunter was a stakeholder. Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from the country to secure its compliance.

While the scandal has received some press attention throughout Biden’s presidential campaign, the media’s meltdown over the “whistleblower” hoax has ironically thrust it out into the open like never before. Biden grew irate Saturday when confronted about his son’s business dealings and insisted that reporters ask the “right questions” — that is, keep the focus on Trump. But Giuliani is staying on the offensive. He claimed Monday that Ukraine helped “launder” $3 million for the Bidens, and he told Fox that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The Bidens have also been criticized over Hunter’s ties to China. A $1.5 billion investment from the Chinese government in Hunter’s private equity firm coincided with a diplomatic visit to the country from Joe Biden and his son. Many have wondered how Hunter just so happened to secure lucrative business opportunities in two countries where his father was working as a diplomat — especially considering Hunter’s discharge from the Navy over cocaine abuse.

“If they can escape China, we literally don’t have a system of justice in this country,” Giuliani said. “$1.5 billion when you are negotiating with China on sensitive issues, and your family gets enriched with an investment in a private equity fund, now why would China give the money to a drug-challenged private equity owner except to influence his father?”

Dems risk exposing Biden

The media is now in the difficult position of screeching as loudly as possible about what Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate about Biden — while pretending that Biden’s scandals simply don’t exist. A New York Times reporter who published a major article on Biden’s potential conflicts of interest admitted as much that there would “probably be […] more coverage” if Biden were swapped out with Trump.

Trump admitted Sunday to asking Ukraine’s president to investigate Biden, but denied that any quid pro quo was discussed. Nevertheless, Democrats have ramped up calls for impeachment as the possibility of actually forcing Trump from office over Russian collusion seems to have faded.

The media has also focused on claims that Trump withheld millions in aid from Ukraine, which he later released, as a bargaining chip. The Trump administration said Tuesday that the aid was held back over concerns about corruption in Ukraine, as the White House came out swinging against the “media frenzy” over the whistleblower complaint. Meanwhile, Trump is saying that he will satisfy Biden’s demand to release the Zelensky call transcript, even as Biden, by contrast, falsely denies ever talking to his son about his business dealings.

With Democrats clinging to the controversy to build momentum against the president, they’re also risking exposing their party frontrunner to scrutiny. Indeed, as Democrats accuse Trump of withholding aid from Ukraine to extract a political favor, Republicans are pointing out that Biden did the same thing when he was vice president. It seems like it’s only a matter of time before the scandal blows up in Biden’s face.

Giuliani’s allegations have been characterized as a baseless conspiracy theory, without irony, by the same people on the left who insisted on proof of Russian collusion for two years. Now, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is expected to make a statement supporting impeachment Tuesday evening. But if Democrats go down that road, it won’t come without a huge cost — especially for Biden.

Rudy Giuliani says he will release more evidence on Joe and Hunter Biden Rudy Giuliani says he will release more evidence on Joe and Hunter Biden Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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