Jim Acosta calls America a “vicious, nasty place”

Jim Acosta thinks that America has become a “vicious, nasty” place thanks to President Trump.

American politics has gotten so divisive that he sometimes throws beer cans at his television, Acosta revealed while promoting his new book recently, the Daily Caller reported. Acosta doesn’t seem to think the media has played any role in this decline, however.

“I throw my beer cans at the TV screen too when they’re empty from time to time, but I think we also have to take stock of what we’re doing at home, what we’re doing in our communities. What’s happening in our daily lives that is contributing to this culture of just viciousness? We’ve become a vicious, nasty country,” Acosta said at the Hill Center in Washington, D.C.

Acosta against America

Acosta gave this latest lecture while promoting a new book that nobody asked for, The Enemy of the People: A Dangerous Time to Tell the Truth in America. Like most journalists in the mainstream press, Acosta laid the blame for America’s increasingly pressure-cooker political environment on the president, while complaining about the fact that people increasingly no longer trust the media.

Reflecting on his youth as the child of a Cuban immigrant, Acosta fretted that America is in a state of civil decline that began, by his estimate, roughly three years ago when an orange-skinned businessman rode down an escalator (yes, really). Acosta complained about Trump’s description of the media as the “enemy of the people” and, in his habitual moralizing manner, asked the audience to reflect on whether they were leaving America a better place for future generations.

“My concern is, is that we’re tearing each other apart,” he said. “And this is the country I love, too — my dad as I said earlier came over to this country from Cuba, came over here in 1962, three weeks before the Cuban missile crisis. [They] moved to Northern Virginia, which is where I grew up. … There was a Presbyterian church in Vienna, Virginia, that gave my dad and my grandmother coats and sweaters so they could stay warm in their first winter here in the D.C. area. They had never been cold before.”

Acosta recalled the presidency of John F. Kennedy and raised the question of whether America was not regressing under the bad Orange Man.

“Are we still that country anymore? Did John F. Kennedy call immigrants rapists and criminals back then? No,” Acosta said, invoking Trump’s infamous campaign kickoff comments.

Acosta ignores media malpractice

The vast majority of Americans are not quite on board with Acosta’s assessment. In his scheme, Trump has single-handedly destroyed the civility of American life, while limiting the ability of journalists to “tell the truth.” That’s right: brave journalists like Jim Acosta, from the comfort of their million dollar sinecures, are holding American democracy together with round-the-clock “reporting” on the president’s tweets.

But according to numerous surveys, a majority of Americans don’t trust the media. Mysteriously, Acosta did not express any thoughts on whether elite journalists at the legacy anti-Trump networks shared any blame for the increasing polarization of American life.

It’s not hard to understand why: the media no longer reports the truth, but act as the paid propagandists of the liberal elite. The New York Times was recently forced to walk back a “bombshell” report that accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault without any backing evidence. Last week, Acosta’s CNN reported that the “whistleblower” whose complaint has now become the basis of a sham impeachment inquiry had no direct knowledge of Trump’s phone call with Ukraine – but buried that fact in the report.

Acosta’s brand of “journalism,” which mixes open liberal activism with a kind of childish, narcissistic exhibitionism, is far from civil. An infamous scuffle between Acosta and Trump last November caused the activist to lose his press pass. He got it back after CNN sued the White House.

Now, Acosta has a new book out on how journalists are good and Trump is bad. In that book, he opines how “neutrality for the sake of neutrality no longer serves us” now that Trump is president. Here is a journalist openly admitting to acting as a political actor – all while lamenting a war on truth and civility in American life.

Maybe Acosta should sit this one out.

Jim Acosta calls America a “vicious, nasty place” Jim Acosta calls America a “vicious, nasty place” Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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