Tucker Carlson taking ‘several days off’ after calling white supremacy narrative ‘a hoax’

Tucker Carlson is taking a much needed vacation from breaking down the left’s 24/7 outrage while he also weathers the storm of yet another controversy manufactured by the left.

The Fox host will take “several days off” to spend time with his son, he said on his show Wednesday night. Carlson will be leaving behind a frenzied mob that is trying to get his show cancelled for saying that “white supremacy” is not a threat.

“By the way, I am taking several days off — headed to the wilderness to fish with my son,” Carlson said Wednesday. “Politics is important, fishing with your son, sometimes more important. So I’m doing it.”

Vacationing amid controversy

Carlson said that Brian Kilmeade would take over for him Thursday. Carlson will then return Friday for “a special investigation,” then take all next week off. Mark Steyn and Tammy Bruce will cover next week.

Fans of Tucker Carlson will have to do without his incisive analysis of the left’s daily war on America until August 19. His vacation comes at a particularly tense time for America’s political climate.

The Fox favorite has been under fire this week over a series of provocative segments attacking the left’s response to mass shootings last weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Liberals have alleged that a “white supremacist” threat is on the rise and that President Trump is stoking it. Carlson has accused them of taking advantage of tragedy to score political points.

In the latest effort to get his show taken off the air, leftists got the hashtag #FireTuckerCarlson trending on Wednesday after he called the left’s narrative about rampant white supremacy a “hoax,” akin to the baseless Russia collusion narrative, on his show night before. Carlson said that the left was using racial fearmongering to divide and distract the American people from real problems.

“This is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking. ‘White supremacy’, that’s the problem,” Carlson sarcastically declared. “This is a hoax just like the Russia hoax. It’s a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power.”

Decrying leftist rhetoric

Carlson returned Wednesday with another trenchant critique of the left’s extreme rhetoric on race, which he said was an effort to distract from a bigger divide, namely, class.

The popular Fox host played clips of pundits shrieking that Trump was sending “subliminal” messages to Neo-Nazis and that the president was planning to “exterminate” Latinos. Carlson said that Americans of different races have more in common with each other than the wealthy do with America’s diverse working class citizens.

Ever wonder why rich people seem the most hysterical on the subject? Ever notice that it’s the highest paid people on TV who are the most determined to convince you that white supremacy is America’s biggest problem? Why is that? Simple: every minute that you’re angry about race is a minute you’re not thinking about class, which of course is the real divide in this country. Working class people of all colors have a lot more in common with each other than they do with some overpaid MSNBC anchor. If you were allowed to think about that for long enough, you might start to get unauthorized ideas about economics.

He ended by warning that the left’s rhetoric is sending America on the path towards “civil war” and urged political leaders to dial down the hyperbole. Carlson reiterated that, while racism is a “problem,” America is not on an existential precipice and there are other problems that demand attention like a “fading middle class, a terrifying drug epidemic, and a national debt that is growing by a trillion dollars a year.”

This is a time of frustration and change. But America is not on the brink of genocide. Not even close. This is not a white supremacist country, plotting the slaughter its own people. It’s a kind country, full of decent people of all races who, like all people everywhere, make bad decisions from time to time, but mean well and generally try their best. Going forward, give them the benefit of the doubt, even when you disagree. Maybe especially when you disagree. These are your fellow Americans. Cut them a break. They deserve it. And remember: The alternative is disaster.

With any luck, Tucker will enjoy a well-deserved respite far from the braying liberal hordes and will return to Fox refreshed, recharged and ready to continue the insightful political commentary legions of loyal viewers have come to expect.

Tucker Carlson taking ‘several days off’ after calling white supremacy narrative ‘a hoax’ Tucker Carlson taking ‘several days off’ after calling white supremacy narrative ‘a hoax’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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