NC Gun Shops’ Billboard Puts Its Sights On The ‘The Squad’ And It’s Working Like A Charm!

A small North Carolina gun shop put up a highway billboard which makes fun of “The Squad.” The sign shows photos of Democratic Reps. AOC (NY), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN) and Ayanna Pressley (MA) under a caption which reads, “The 4 Horsemen Cometh are Idiots.” Beneath their photos, it says, Signed, The Deplorables. Cherokee Guns 1 miles on right.”

Here is a photo of the billboard from Cherokee Gun’s Facebook page.

The shop decided to up the ante and posted a new message on Facebook:

Alright my fellow Infidels for Trump…due to OVERWHELMING demand…you may come by the shop (next week) and get your very own FOUR HORSEMEN COMETH STICKER…simple…eat a piece of bacon…tell us you’re voting for Trump in 2020…then get your limited edition bumper sticker!! (While supplies last!) Snowflakes and Liberals are not eligible…sorry…

Naturally, gun control advocates are up in arms about this billboard. They are saying the sign incites violence against the freshman foursome who claim they’ve “been receiving numerous death threats.” It compares the Squad to the “4 horsemen,” “a biblical reference that represents conquest, war, famine and death.”

Tlaib joined the fray tweeting, “How the hell is this not inciting violence?”

I would answer the Congresswoman by asking instead, “How the hell is this inciting violence?”

Some on the left are arguing that the sign is both racist and violent.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, for example, maintains that President Trump’s “racial rhetoric” is inciting violence.

On the group’s Facebook page, they wrote, “Disgusting anti-government violent rhetoric from Cherokee Guns in North Carolina, Threats against members of Congress, particularly minority members are [up] and it is driven by the president’s racial rhetoric. This is dangerous!!!”

Pressley apparently agrees and, in the tweet below, she calls on Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) to have the billboard taken down.

Here are several responses to the post from Facebook users:

“What, no targets on their faces?”

“Reported as terrorism.”

“You righties are just playing into the stereotype of your own making, aren’t you! You can’t go one day without looking like a bunch of fascist, minority hating a**holes who will follow your fuhrer blindly. I have yet to see a story or hear from a republican that doesn’t sound like Germany in the 40s.”

“This is really not a good look for your shop. Putting virtual targets on anyone’s head is just in poor taste.”

“Prepare to be put out if business, you racist piece of sh**.”

Others are just calling the billboard “racist,” because all four squad members are “women of color.”

The Democrats are trying to tie everything to race this election season. “Trump is a racist” is replacing “Trump colluded with the Russians” because that’s all they’ve got.

Ladies, we don’t mock you for your race, we mock you because of all the stupid comments you make and the political positions you support.

Via RedState

NC Gun Shops’ Billboard Puts Its Sights On The ‘The Squad’ And It’s Working Like A Charm! NC Gun Shops’ Billboard Puts Its Sights On The ‘The Squad’ And It’s Working Like A Charm! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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