Liberal activists set their sights on Fox News

Democrats have reacted to the latest mass shootings in America with the usual calls for gun control — but they’ve set their sights on speech control as well.

After the mass shooting in El Paso Saturday, several “journalists” and liberal activists targeted Fox as a supposed megaphone for “white nationalism” that should be canceled entirely and taken off the air. The El Paso shooter was linked with a white nationalist manifesto that cited a “Hispanic invasion” of Texas.

Democrats seized the tragedy as an opportunity to smear Fox, Trump, and all his supporters as racists who need to be silenced.

Gun grabbing lefties target Fox after tragic shooting

Over the last year, liberals have increasingly attacked Fox pundits like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham for promoting so-called “white nationalism” by advocating for restrictions on immigration. An attempt by Media Matters to get Carlson’s show taken off the air failed in March, but ongoing advertiser boycotts against Carlson and other Fox hosts have led to the network losing sponsors.

Predictably, liberal journalists and Democrats didn’t wait long to name Fox News as complicit in the horrific massacre. Pod Save America host and former adviser to President Obama Dan Pfeiffer tweeted a Media Matters article titled, “You don’t need to read the El Paso killer’s manifesto. Just turn on Fox News.”

“If you work for Fox News, advertise on Fox News, or support Fox News in any way, you are enabling the spread of White Nationalism in America and probably making a pretty penny doing so,” Pfeiffer tweeted.

Pfeiffer’s anti-Fox dog-whistling was picked up by liberal activists and journalists on Twitter who suggested that Fox should be muzzled for promoting “hate,” including left-wing group Sleeping Giants and Al-Jazeera writer Mehdi Hasan, who called Fox “the arsonist that turns up and wants to continue fanning the flames … Fox is making money out of racism.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) also called Fox a “hate-for-profit machine that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists.” Although the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio who killed 9 people this weekend was reportedly a fan of Warren’s, liberals have not blamed her for the attack, as they have done with Trump over the El Paso shooting.

Liberals turn on New York Times, target Trump supporters

President Trump has explicitly condemned white nationalism, but that hasn’t stopped the left from blaming the president and his supporters for the horrific violence. Even by the standards of the left’s usual hysteria, their response to the two mass shootings over the weekend reached a new level of shameless, knee-jerk authoritarianism: beyond the usual calls for “common sense gun reform” that would actually criminalize private gun sales, they are now calling for a forceful crackdown on free speech to silence Trump supporters.

As the left increasingly defines everything to their left as bigoted by default, they are failing (or just not caring) to distinguish between racists and patriots who love their country. The results have quickly gotten out of hand: the brother of Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro, Texas congressman Joaquin Castro, doxxed Trump supporters in his own district Monday, publishing their names, addresses, and employers.

The book-burning didn’t stop with Fox News. The New York Times gave up any pretense of being more than liberal propaganda after changing its headline for its Tuesday paper, “Trump urges unity versus racism,” after liberals including O’Rourke, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), and others complained that it wasn’t anti-Trump enough.

With elected officials now doxxing Trump supporters and targeting the only major conservative TV network on air, are conservatives supposed to feel more inclined to surrender their freedoms? The left must not care. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore: they want total control, whatever it takes.

Liberal activists set their sights on Fox News Liberal activists set their sights on Fox News Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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