Judicial Watch: FBI retrieved classified memos form James Comey’s home after his firing

Government watchdog group Judicial Watch said Wednesday that classified memos were removed from former FBI Director James Comey’s home in 2017 shortly after his firing.

“These extraordinary FBI docs further confirm that James Comey should never have had FBI files on President Trump at his home and that the FBI failed to secure and protect these private and classified files,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Mr. Comey’s illegal leaking these FBI files as part of his vendetta against President Trump (directly resulting in the corrupt appointment of Robert Mueller) ought to be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

Comey later admitted that he wanted the memos leaked to the press because he believed it would encourage the formation of a special counsel to investigate President Donald Trump. Columbia University Law professor and Comey friend Daniel Richman initially helped Comey disseminate the memos to the press and subsequently turned copies of the memos over to investigators, which triggered the search of Comey’s home.

Missing memos

At the time those memos were seized, Comey also revealed that two additional memos he wrote were missing. Those documents detailed conversations he had with Trump about the Russia collusion allegations and the president’s expressed hope that any investigation, if it should materalize, would be short-lived.

Trump fired Comey in May 2017 on the recommendation of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein because of his handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to send classified documents.

The firing was widely criticized in the media, with Democrats accusing Trump of firing Comey to stop the FBI from investigating his ties to Russia. Trump, however, insisted that the two were not connected.

The tables have turned

Democrats and the liberal media thought for two years that Trump colluded with Russia and subsequently obstructed the investigation into that claim. They were certain that Trump broke the law and that he would be taken down.

The Mueller report proved that narrative to be utterly false. No proof of collusion or obstruction was produced and no indictments were issued. After all that time, Trump’s enemies came up empty.

It was bad enough for them that Trump would not face charges, but now they find themselves in the crosshairs of a probe of their own potentially criminal conduct. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is about to release a report on the origins of the Russia collusion narrative which will include an assessment of Comey’s leaks of classified information.

Attorney General William Barr has reportedly already decided not to charge Comey on Horowitz’s findings, but more investigations are currently underway. U.S. Attorney John Durham is still in the middle of his investigation into the origins of the Mueller probe — an endeavor which could certainly implicate Comey in serious wrongdoing.

In the end, it’s entirely possible that Comey will be charged with any number of offenses, together with others who played a role in what amounted to a failed coup attempt against Trump. If it turns out that Comey broke the law and Trump didn’t, what a delicious irony that will be.

Once again, the media will have gotten it all wrong, and Trump will bask in yet another vindication of what he has maintained was true all along.

Judicial Watch: FBI retrieved classified memos form James Comey’s home after his firing Judicial Watch: FBI retrieved classified memos form James Comey’s home after his firing Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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