Judicial panel dismisses 83 ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh

The ideological left, by way of elected Democrats and the establishment media, declared all-out war against then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated in 2018 for a seat on the Supreme Court, dragging his name through the mud with a series of baseless allegations and coordinated smears against his personal character.

When those strategies failed to prevent Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the new justice was hit with dozens of ethics complaints alleging a range of misconduct, but a committee tasked with reviewing them just dismissed all 83 that were filed against the justice.

Complaints dismissed

The Daily Wire reported that the primary reason cited by the judicial conduct panel for dismissing the complaints was the fact that it had no real authority over sitting Supreme Court justices and therefore lacked the jurisdiction to pass judgment on allegations lodged against Kavanaugh.

The dozens of ethics complaints largely revovled around alleged misconduct by Kavanaugh during his contentious confirmation hearings in September and October of 2018.

Specifically, Kavanaugh was accused of “making inappropriately partisan statements and behaving in a demonstrably hostile manner during the hearings.”

Ironically, that characterization of Kavanaugh’s behavior perfectly describes the behavior of Senate Democrats during those proceedings.

No jurisdiction

Initially, the host of complaints against Kavanaugh was dismissed in December by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

That dismissal has now been affirmed by the Judicial Conference of the United States’ Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability.

The committee found that it had no grounds to cover “complaints against a judge who has resigned his or her judicial office and thereafter been confirmed as a Justice of the Supreme Court.” Kavanaugh, by virtue of his seat on the Supreme Court, is simply not subject to provisions of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, the panel held.

Democrats stymied again

To be sure, the left will undoubtedly decry this ruling, offering the tired refrain, “No one is above the law!”

But if Democrats in Congress truly have a problem with the outcome in this matter, they should work to change the process legislatively, instead of relying on faux outrage to make their point.

That said, it appears that left has failed once again in its concerted efforts to destroy Kavanaugh’s career and good name with unfounded partisan attacks.

Judicial panel dismisses 83 ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh Judicial panel dismisses 83 ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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