Joe Biden Rushed To CNN, Tells The BIGGEST LIE About Trump Of 2019

Today the 2020 Democratic frontrunner flat out lied about Trump and his condemnations of white supremacism:

Democrats really want to make Trump the racist white supremacist-in-chief because they don’t have anything else on him for 2020. All the investigations, all the fishing and the race card is all they got.

And here’s Joe Biden playing into the racist narrative, claiming Trump has never condemned white supremacism until today. Of course, the video shows that to be flatly false.

In fact there was a time not mentioned in the video (probably because it wouldn’t work well with this kind of video) that we’ve covered before regarding his Charlottesville comments, where Trump plainly said “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

So who in the media will play this montage for Biden?


Joe Biden Rushed To CNN, Tells The BIGGEST LIE About Trump Of 2019 Joe Biden Rushed To CNN, Tells The BIGGEST LIE About Trump Of 2019 Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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