Donald Trump Jr. slams NYT for altering headlines to suit liberals

In recent years, Donald Trump Jr. has become a powerful force in the conservative movement. Whether it’s speaking at his father’s rallies or partnering with Candace Owens, the younger Trump has a reputation for not holding back.

During a recent appearance on Fox & Friends in which he discussed recent editorial choices made by the New York Times, Trump Jr. more than lived up to his reputation as a tireless defender of the president.

Calling them out

Following the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, the president delivered remarks in which he condemned bigotry and called for all people to come together for the common good. The Times ran a story about those comments on Tuesday with a headline that read, “Trump Urges Unity vs. Racism.” However, it didn’t stay that way for long.

After a barrage of criticism from left-wing figures including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the headline was changed to read ‘Assailing Hate But Not Guns,’ while the web version showed “Trump Condemns Bigotry but Doesn’t Call for Major New Guns Laws.” Trump, Jr. wasn’t impressed.

“They put up, actually, what happened to be an objective headline, and then they were hit by the mob. And the mob went after them, and they caved to that pressure,” he lamented. He further characterized the Times’ willingness to bend as “scary.” But he didn’t stop there.

The New York Times doesn’t function as a news organization anymore — they function as the marketing wing of the Democrat Party. So does the Washington Post, and frankly most of the mainstream media. And that’s what it is, it’s not about reporting what actually happened. It’s not about being objective. It’s about driving forward a political agenda, in their case a very leftist political agenda.

Watch Trump Jr.’s comments below:

Castro’s turn

Trump Jr. next took Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) to task for releasing a list of people in his own district who donated to the president’s campaign:

“That list sort of screams like the Dayton, Ohio shooter’s list, right? When a radical left-wing politician who’s polling at about zero percent does this for either attention or a call to action, it’s pretty scary,” Trump remarked.

Castro accused the Trump donors of “fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ‘invaders.'” The president’s son isn’t alone in his feelings. Rep. Steve Scalise was the victim of a politically motivated shooting, and he also expressed concern that the listed individuals could be targeted for violence.

However, Trump Jr. promised that his father’s supporters would never be dissuaded. He finished his commentary by pointing to the president’s economic success and fulfilled promises, two things that Democrats should fear.

“They’re scared because of what we’ve been able to do. They see that we’re raising a lot of money because people are excited about what’s going on. They see the economy, they see the numbers. They actually see progress for the American worker for the first time in decades, and that scares the hell out of the Democrats, the president’s son declared.

Donald Trump Jr. slams NYT for altering headlines to suit liberals Donald Trump Jr. slams NYT for altering headlines to suit liberals Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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