Border Agents Name US Democratic Congresswoman HELPING Illegals ABUSE Loophole To Enter US

A disturbing new report says that a current U.S. lawmaker is potentially helping thousands of asylum seekers — who were returned back to Mexico while they await their court hearing — re-enter the United States by exploiting a loophole in the system.

According to the Washington Examiner, the National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter, along with several U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents, claim that aides to Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar are coaching those returned to Mexico under the “remain in Mexico” policy on how to come back to the U.S.

The disturbing loophole in the law essentially says that if a person is returned back to Mexico to await their asylum hearing and can’t speak Spanish, they’re allowed to come back to the United States.

The insider sources reportedly told the Washington Examiner that Escobar’s aides may have already interviewed 6,000 illegals who were returned to Mexico and possibly encouraging them to come back to the United States and claim they don’t speak Spanish, which would give them a free ticket to wait in America for up to five years until their day in court.

“What we believe is happening is Veronica Escobar’s office is going … to basically second-guess and obstruct work already done by the Border Patrol,” a union official told the Washington Examiner.

The same union official explained that the loophole is actively being exploited by Escobar’s aides.

“What we’re hearing from management is that they’re attempting to return people, and the story was changed in Mexico, where a person who understood Spanish before now doesn’t understand — where a person who didn’t have any health issues before now has health issues,” the union representative explained.

An official from the union also said that Escobar’s aides are reportedly wearing recording devices while interviewing the illegals who were returned to Mexico so that they can play back the recordings later and possibly find more people eligible to return to America.

“They went through and interviewed everybody, cherry-picked them, brought them back, and now are using them as tag lines. They’re going over there and manufacturing a lot of these issues,” a union official reportedly said.

A major concern for border agents is that the loophole might be used to suggest that they’re wrongfully turning away asylum-seekers, adding fuel to the already raging fire Democrats have started over the border crisis.

“We had finally found a happy medium ‘cause we always get crapped on when it comes to immigration laws, and then they’re finding loopholes to bring them back,” another union official reportedly told the Washington Examiner.

If the reports from insiders are true, a former federal immigration judge under George W. Bush’s administration, Mark H. Metcalf, said that a criminal case against Escobar wouldn’t be out of the question.

“She’s trying to obviously say these people have been wrongly denied their claims and they’re waiting when they shouldn’t be,” Metcalf said.

He explained that a potential criminal case could be a result of Escobar being complicit in perpetrating fraud by knowingly giving false statements during interviews and in documents presented to U.S. officials.

I sincerely hope and pray that a U.S. lawmaker is not actively trying to bring people back into America by exploiting a loophole. We vote these people into office to use the powers of Congress to provide solutions to situations like the one that’s currently happening on the border.

We’re certainly not paying her our American tax dollars to work in an activist role south of the U.S. border.

Unfortunately, with lawmakers like Escobar and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actively working to damage the work that our agents on the border are doing, the fragile situation will continue to worsen.

If these people genuinely wanted to help migrants, they would be in Washington D.C. bringing other lawmakers together to forge a real, acceptable solution and put politics aside for a few days.

But using the issue to attack President Donald Trump’s administration is apparently much more fun for them.

Via WesternJournal

Border Agents Name US Democratic Congresswoman HELPING Illegals ABUSE Loophole To Enter US Border Agents Name US Democratic Congresswoman HELPING Illegals ABUSE Loophole To Enter US Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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