‘So dishonest’: Mike Pence rips CNN’s coverage of recent border visit

Vice President Mike Pence took to Twitter this weekend to protest CNN’s “dishonest” coverage of his trip to detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, Fox News reports.

Pence allowed CNN to film the visits and then gave a lengthy interview about them, but he later said on Twitter that the network had selectively aired the footage.

Contrived coverage from CNN

“CNN is so dishonest,” Pence wrote after the network aired only one of the visits, which showed men in dirty and crowded conditions. Another visit to a family facility was clean and less crowded, but CNN did not show that footage, according to reports.

“These men were in a temporary holding area because Democrats in Congress have refused to fund additional bed space,” Pence added in a later tweet. The vice president also noted that many of the men had been arrested multiple times.

According to Fox News, “CNN did not immediately respond to Pence’s comments.”

A little honesty, please?

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes was also called out by various conservative news outlets for his own misleading coverage of the border visit. Hayes tweeted Saturday that Pence and congressional visitors were “cowards” for not actually talking to any of the families as they visited.

But Pence had already posted photos of himself and others doing just that — talking to children and families in the detention center.

Hayes has still not corrected the record or in any way altered his comments. Could that be because they fit his preconceived notions that Republicans are evil, which have overtaken his journalistic training and basic decency?

If Hayes and all the other self-righteous, sanctimonious journalists in the mainstream media would spend as much time trying to get their facts right and cover stories correctly as they do trying to sucker punch Republicans, their ratings might not be dropping like stones — and people might actually want to hear what they have to say.

‘So dishonest’: Mike Pence rips CNN’s coverage of recent border visit ‘So dishonest’: Mike Pence rips CNN’s coverage of recent border visit Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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