Report: Trump’s workload, energetic nature leave first lady to ‘sleep alone’ on Air Force One

Of all the various attacks launched against President Donald Trump by the liberal establishment media, the assaults aimed at his marriage to first lady Melania are perhaps the most disappointing and infuriating.

The latest media-driven wedge intended to upset the Trump union came from the U.K. Express, which screamed in a headline that the first lady “sleeps alone” in the presidential cabin of Air Force One on international trips, only belatedly acknowledging that the president’s never-ending workload and limitless energy are the true reasons for those hours spent apart.

Insulting implications

The insinuation of the headline — “Melania Trump sleeps ALONE as husband Donald ‘rarely’ joins her in Air Force One cabin” — is quite obvious, and not-so-subtlely implies that the first couple is experiencing marital troubles.

But in reality, that is simply not the case. Rather, the truth is merely that President Trump — who is already well-known for not sleeping very much as it is — barely rests at all while traveling abroad on Air Force One.

Instead, the president prefers to keep himself busy with all manner of other things that require his attention while the executive jet flies toward its foreign destinations.

CNN: Air Force One a nightmare

The article from the Express was largely based off of information first put forward by a heavily biased and critical CNN article citing supposed current and former Trump administration officials — all anonymous, of course — who purportedly characterized international flights on Air Force One as a hellish experience that most staffers now attempt to avoid.

One official reportedly said of international travel with the president: “It’s like being held captive.”

The report lamented the fact that, outside of the presidential cabin at the nose of the plane, there really aren’t any designated sleeping areas on Air Force One for anybody else. As such, officials and staffers who want to catch a little sleep on the lengthy flights have to make do with mini-couches, office chairs in conference rooms, or even yoga mats placed on the floor.

Adding insult to injury, according to the anonymous sources, since Trump rarely attempts to get any sleep on those flights, the aides and officials sometimes find their own efforts to get a little nap are disrupted as they are summoned by the president for some task or another.

Boundless energy

“He will not go to sleep,” one of the sources reportedly said. Logical observers would likely conclude that this is the actual reason the first lady “sleeps alone” in the executive bedroom on the plane.

Rather than sleep, the president reportedly occupies his time by eating, watching the news and reading newspapers, making calls to allies and friends back home and around the world, and talking with aides and staffers about all sorts of things, from the itinerary of the upcoming foreign visit to mundane things like friendly gossip and the latest sports news.

One aspect of Trump’s international travel on Air Force One that goes hand-in-hand with the reported lack of sleep issue is the way in which the timing of his trips differs from that of past presidents.

Previous presidents would often schedule the lengthy overseas flights to occur overnight so that Air Force One would arrive at its destination in the morning, with everyone refreshed from sleep and ready to tackle the visit’s events at the start of the day.

But Trump prefers to travel during the day and arrive at his destination in the evening, which allows himself and others to get some rest in a hotel prior to delving into the business at hand the next day.

Not your typical 9-5 job

One thing to keep in mind amid all of this is how President Trump has long been a workaholic who requires minimal sleep, typically only around four to five hours per night, sometimes even less, and there is always work to be done to fix what ails this country. Regrettably, considerable energy must also be expended fending off the incessant partisan attacks from Democrats and the hostile media alike.

With so many things going on at all times, the president doesn’t like to waste more any more hours than necessary on sleep. Therefore, much like any typical day at the White House, the first lady “sleeps alone” in the presidential bedroom while the president stays up late and works in his office.

Report: Trump’s workload, energetic nature leave first lady to ‘sleep alone’ on Air Force One Report: Trump’s workload, energetic nature leave first lady to ‘sleep alone’ on Air Force One Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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