JUDICIAL WATCH: We Have Proof Democrats Worked With Foreign Govt.’s In Coup Against Trump

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, described the Trump-Russia narrative and Robert Mueller-led operation as parts of an “international effort to take out” President Donald Trump.

He offered his remarks in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Fitton previously described the Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative as “the big lie,” noting its ubiquity across the overlapping political and news media landscapes.

“Yesterday, you had confirmation over in the United Kingdom that that intelligence operation there — the UK’s intelligence apparatus — also knew about the dossier,” said Fitton, “and part of that spying that took place with Stefan Halper also took place in London. The New York Times, at the end of their story, exposing that, disclosed that the UK knew about that spy operation as well.”

Fitton added, “You had this other agency — supposedly a friend of the United States — laundering the Steele dossier that was created as a result of FBI-DNC-Clinton campaign money in consultation with Russian intelligence. It’s pretty incredible stuff, and it shows you that it was an international effort to take out Trump. It wasn’t just based her in the United States.” – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

JUDICIAL WATCH: We Have Proof Democrats Worked With Foreign Govt.’s In Coup Against Trump JUDICIAL WATCH: We Have Proof Democrats Worked With Foreign Govt.’s In Coup Against Trump Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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