Tucker Carlson slams CNN for taking ‘marching orders’ from Nancy Pelosi

While the special counsel investigating President Donald Trump failed to find any evidence of collusion with Russia, Fox News host Tucker Carlson has exposed a conspiracy of a different variety.

Carlson shared the real story about “actual collusion that’s currently” taking place “in the open on live television” on Wednesday: According to Carlson, CNN has been taking “marching orders” from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, adjusting its programming to mirror the Democratic Party agenda.

The result, according to Carlson, is “an endless loop of propaganda.”

Taking orders

Cable news networks that spent the last two years recycling around-the-clock Russia collusion coverage have experienced a recent exodus of viewers following the president’s recent exoneration.

“Viewers of liberal media outlets didn’t want to hear anything about it,” Carlson said, pointing to one primetime CNN program that “lost nearly 50 percent of its viewers.”

“Something had to be done,” Carlson continued. “So into this disaster stepped the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. On Monday, just hours after the collusion story collapsed, Pelosi announced that the Democratic Party would be switching gears. Going forward, Democrats would focus intently on health care, just like she disingenuously claimed they always have.”

Propaganda machine

To prove his point, Carlson played a CNN clip wherein a reporter asked Pelosi if Republicans helped shift the national conversation to “focus” on health care. The House majority leader responded by saying she hopes “the press focuses on these issues.”

Pelosi didn’t even have to wink at the camera. Message delivered, “and she didn’t have to ask twice,” Carlson quipped.

He went on:

At CNN they were paying close attention to every word Pelosi uttered. To Jeff Zucker and the anchors who work with him, Pelosi isn’t just a politician, she is the leader of the party. Their party. The party under whose banner Zucker has said he may someday run for office. When America’s most powerful Democrat speaks, CNN listens with pen in hand. These are marching orders.

Indeed, CNN “swung into action immediately,” modifying its programming and restructuring its primetime shows from the ground up, emphasizing the great health care debate that, in truth, hasn’t been a major source of contention among lawmakers since mid-2017.

“Between 7 p.m. and midnight last night, every show on CNN followed Nancy Pelosi’s instructions. Every single show talked about health care and every single one channeled Nancy Pelosi’s views on health care,” he explained. “She could have been writing the scripts. Maybe she was.”

Case in point

Carlson then shared a clip from CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who obliged Pelosi’s request by spending the better half of his show displaying charts and graphs of healthcare figures.

“Every single show on CNN’s morning lineup all through the day regurgitated Pelosi’s talking points to the word about health care,” said Carlson. “Republicans will make you sick. Only Democrats will make you well. Every single show made that point. If you were stuck in the airport, it was like living in North Korea: a speaker bolted to the wall above your head blaring an endless loop of propaganda you can’t turn off.

“What does that tell you?” Carlson asked. “It tells you where your news comes from. Democratic officials pick the topic and the storyline. Their servants in cable news dutifully repeat it to the word all day long. CNN is not a news outlet, it’s a super PAC. It’s running unregulated campaign ads 24 hours a day. Somebody ought to call the FEC about it.”

Tucker Carlson slams CNN for taking ‘marching orders’ from Nancy Pelosi Tucker Carlson slams CNN for taking ‘marching orders’ from Nancy Pelosi Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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