Mark Levin calls for probe of Obama administration’s role in Russia collusion narrative

Mark Levin came out swinging over the weekend against the Obama administration officials who promoted the now-discredited Trump-Russia collusion hoax. 

Speaking on his Fox News show on Sunday, the nationally syndicated radio host called for an investigation into the Obama government for its role in spying on now-President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and getting the Russia collusion probe, headed by Robert Mueller, off the ground.

Mueller’s investigation concluded Friday with the special counsel recommending no new indictments, and his subsequent report dealt a profound blow to the left’s central political narrative of the last two years.  With Russigate falling apart in spectacular fashion, Levin said that the real collusion has been exposed: between the Obama intelligence community, the Democrats, and the media.

Levin calls for accountability in Russia hoax

“You have collusion — between the Democratic Party, the media, and the Obama administration,” Levin said on Sunday. “The Democratic Party is not a pro-America party. They act like a third-world party because they want to destroy this presidency. It is time to focus on the Democrats in the House. It is time to focus on the media, the Hillary campaign, the DNC, Barack Obama — this was Barack Obama’s government that did all this when interfering in our election.”

As the Russia hoax saturated headlines for almost two years, mostly conservative journalists and outlets have uncovered what the smoke from Russiagate obscured: the Democrats and the Clinton campaign paid for political opposition research provided by Fusion GPS, contained in the infamous Christopher Steele Dossier, which the Obama administration then used to launch an investigation into the Trump campaign.

The Obama Justice Department used the allegations in that dossier — now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false — to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to spy on an unsuspecting, low-ranking Trump campaign official, Carter Page. That spying marked the inception of the Russia collusion investigation that dogged Trump for the first half of his first term in office.

“They were interfering with our election when [James] Comey was the FBI director. When [James] Clapper was the head of intelligence. When [John] Brennan was the head of the CIA. When Loretta Lynch was the head of the Department of Justice,” Levin lamented. “They went after the candidate of the opposition party. They put spies in [Trump’s] campaign, they abused the FISA court system. They used opposition research! This country doesn’t belong to Adam Schiff, and [Jerrold] Nadler, and [Nancy] Pelosi.”

Justice for coup attempt?

Levin has long argued that the real collusion lies with the left, but was lambasted as a conspiracy theorist by the same media that peddled the Russia hoax. It’s quite an ironic turn of events: those who spent two years accusing Trump of treason, and his supporters of stoking conspiracies, have been exposed as the real liars and seditionists.

While much of the collusion on the left remains shadowy and obscure, much of it played out in plain sight. Obama Justice Department officials, especially former CIA Chief John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey, regularly appeared on liberal networks over the past two years to accuse the president of collusion and treason.

Democrats like Reps. Adam Schiff (CA), Jerry Nadler (NY), and Eric Swalwell (DA) also peddled the collusion hoax. They found willing co-conspirators in a mainstream media, which promoted — with zero evidence — the narrative that Trump was a Russian agent.

Full transparency

While an investigation into the real collusion is long overdue, the media isn’t about to give up on their narrative. After Attorney General William Barr submitted a letter to Congress on Sunday summarizing Mueller’s report, which found no evidence of collusion, the Democrats are still insisting that Trump colluded with Russia.

Meanwhile, they’re fixating on language in the letter that states that Mueller “did not exonerate” Trump of obstructing justice.

The special counsel did not make a decision on whether to charge Trump for obstruction of justice, but Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided there was not enough evidence. For his part, Levin said that Mueller, who interviewed hundreds of witnesses in a globe-spanning investigation, was clearly not obstructed in his efforts to investigate collusion.

Democrats are now calling for Barr to release Mueller’s report in full in the name of “transparency,” but conservatives including Levin and Nunes, who was attacked as a conspiracy theorist for his significant role in uncovering the FISA abuses and other surreptitious activities by former Obama officials, want to go much further. Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) is calling for the memo laying out Mueller’s investigative scope and documents related to the FISA warrants to be released in order to figure out how the whole hoax got started.

Republicans in the Senate, including Sens. Rand Paul (KY) and Lindsey Graham (SC), are also taking the gloves off, saying it’s time to investigate Obama’s Justice Department for surveillance abuses. But Levin said that Democrats, while taking up the mantle of “transparency,” aren’t interested in the truth.

“[Congressional Democrats and the media] don’t want to talk to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama,” he said. “They want transparency? I want transparency.”

Mark Levin calls for probe of Obama administration’s role in Russia collusion narrative Mark Levin calls for probe of Obama administration’s role in Russia collusion narrative Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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