BREAKING: Nevada Democrat’s Tell-All Story Of REALLY CREEPY Encounter With Joe Biden Just May Bring His 2020 Campaign To A DEAD STOP!

A Democrat just came out to accuse Joe Biden of really creepy behavior.

Here’s what she said happened:

I found my way to the holding room for the speakers, where everyone was chatting, taking photos, and getting ready to speak to the hundreds of voters in the audience. Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction. As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?”

I mean, we’ve all seen video of him doing this exact same thing, right?

I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.

I know, I know, this isn’t a shocker, we’ve all seen the videos and images of Biden being creepy. And that is what she’s using to back up her claims:

Time passed and pictures started to surface of Vice-President Biden getting uncomfortably close with women and young girls. Biden nuzzling the neckof the Defense secretary’s wife; Biden kissing a senator’s wife on the lips; Biden whispering in women’s ears; Biden snuggling female constituents. I saw obvious discomfort in the women’s faces, and Biden, I’m sure, never thought twice about how it made them feel. I knew I couldn’t say anything publicly about what those pictures surfaced for me; my anger and my resentment grew.

Mhmmm… she kinda sums up the #MeToo movement in her parting shot:

I’m not suggesting that Biden broke any laws, but the transgressions that society deems minor (or doesn’t even see as transgressions) often feel considerable to the person on the receiving end. That imbalance of power and attention is the whole point — and the whole problem.

There you go. This may not crash Biden 2020, but it will definitely get in the way, and Biden is the frontrunner right now even though he hasn’t even declared.

Via TheRightScoop

BREAKING: Nevada Democrat’s Tell-All Story Of REALLY CREEPY Encounter With Joe Biden Just May Bring His 2020 Campaign To A DEAD STOP! BREAKING: Nevada Democrat’s Tell-All Story Of REALLY CREEPY Encounter With Joe Biden Just May Bring His 2020 Campaign To A DEAD STOP! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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