Slip Of The Tongue? Ocasio-Cortez Uses Brutal Sexual Term When Describing Her Far-Left Agenda

Former law enforcement officials called out socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for using a violent sexual term on Wednesday in an interview that was published in The Washington Post.

Ocasio-Cortez complained in the interview that the media was “focusing on taking quotes out of context or manipulating them or making it seem as though I said things that I didn’t say.”

A few sentences later, she said, “So enjoy being exhausted for the next two years while we run train on the progressive agenda.”

The 29-year-old former bartender, who describes herself as “Alex from the Bronx,” used the term in the following exchange:

The Post: How did you feel when that hit yesterday?

Ocasio-Cortez: I was surprised and I was annoyed because it was a new tack. They’ve been for a very long time focusing on taking quotes out of context or manipulating them or making it seem as though I said things that I didn’t say. This was different in that it was an outright fraudulent thing. You can tell that they’re getting into hysterics because now you’re getting into my actual body, which is definitely crossing a level, definitely crossing a line.

I also think it’s encouraging because this is my sixth day in Congress and they’re out of all their artillery. The nude is supposed to be like the bazooka. You know, like, “We’re going to take her down.” Dude, you’re all out of bullets, you’re all out of bombs, you’re all out of all this stuff. What have you got left? I’m six days into the term, and you already used all your ammo. So enjoy being exhausted for the next two years while we run train on the progressive agenda.

The Washington Free Beacon noted that while Ocasio-Cortez most likely meant “she and her fellow liberal Democrats would enthusiastically pursue their agenda items, ‘run train’ is known as a crude sexual term, which is sometimes used to denote acting in an aggressive manner.”

Multiple online dictionaries that provide definitions for slang terms state that “run train” means to “to gangbang” someone with “several” other people.

Former law enforcement officials weighed in on Ocasio-Cortez’s statement and verified that “run train” does, in fact, refer to violent sexual activity.

“.@AOC is trivializing a term (‘Run-Train’) used by murderous gangs like MS-13 to describe their tactic of brutally gang-raping women,” former NYPD officer John Cardillo tweeted.

CNN law enforcement analyst James A. Gagliano also weighed in on Ocasio-Cortez’s remark, tweeting: “As someone who speaks live on-air, w/o “net” — understand misspeaking. Happens to best of us. But know no other context for this vile phrase. As someone who investigated violent street crime for years, this is vernacular of felons I’ve interrogated; not a sitting Congresswoman.”

Other notable responses to Ocasio-Cortez’s statement include:

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro tweeted: “Alex from the Bronx should probably know what ‘run train’ means and why this is hilariously terrible.”

President of Security Studies Group & former special forces soldier Jim Hanson:

The Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor:

Via DailyWire

Slip Of The Tongue? Ocasio-Cortez Uses Brutal Sexual Term When Describing Her Far-Left Agenda Slip Of The Tongue? Ocasio-Cortez Uses Brutal Sexual Term When Describing Her Far-Left Agenda Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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