Hannity: ‘The walls are closing in on James Comey’

Fox News host Sean Hannity provided some hope that under the leadership of a new attorney general, justice will finally be served against former FBI Director James Comey and his crooked team of senior agents.

Hannity laid out a “roadmap of corruption” for the next attorney general to follow which details the multiple crimes and ethical violations from the federal law enforcement agency. The conservative news anchor was happy to report that “the walls are closing in on James Comey.”

Hannity’s roadmap

Hannity pointed to Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, when AG nominee William Barr faced questions about his background and legal philosophy in the first day of his confirmation. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who chairs the committee, asked Barr if he would look into the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign under Comey.

“Mr. Chairman. I think there were a number of investigations as I understand it going on in the department,” Barr answered.

“That’s a good sign, that William Barr cares about equal justice, equal application of our laws and says he will serve as a fair attorney general,” Hannity said.

If confirmed as the nation’s top federal prosecutor, Barr may finally expose the ruthless partisanship at play in the Obama administration and set the record straight regarding the early months of the Russia collusion investigation. “I have every confidence that Mr. Barr is going to ask questions,” Sen. Graham told Hannity on Tuesday evening. “I think he’s going to look long and hard at the way [the FBI] conducted the Clinton investigation and at the way they started the Mueller investigation.”

Starting from the top

Hannity believes that the next AG should start at the top of the FBI. “Mr. Barr, there are no shortage of corrupt Trump haters to investigate and many with a lot of power that they have abuse. No shortage of crimes here,” he said.

Hannity believes that a shrewd attorney general would start with the previous administration’s Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses. During the summer of 2016, top Justice Department and FBI officials convinced a FISA court to approve a wiretap warrant against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

But the intelligence used to secure the warrant was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, supplied by Russian operatives, and was never verified by FBI officials. “James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein all likely committed fraud on a FISA court by presenting Hillary Clinton’s dirty dossier as unbiased, verified evidence,” Hannity argued. “In reality, it was never verified, never corroborated and full of Russian lies.”

Sinking ship

Next, Hannity went after the FBI for conducting a “media leak strategy.” He argued, “Jim Comey obviously committed a serious crime when he intentionally leaked his FBI memos about his conversations with the president.”

Those memos were used as a pretense to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign. However, Hannity is correct to point to a corrupt FBI relationship with the liberal media — an arrangement that was used to hurt Trump’s electoral chances.

Just days before the 2016 election, multiple news agencies reported that Trump was under investigation for harboring ties to Russia. Each report suggested that senior law enforcement officials were leaking the news of a confidential and ongoing investigation — despite lacking any evidence of wrongdoing from the Trump campaign.

Additionally, Hannity wants to see an equal and unbiased application of the law. “Let’s not forget about lying to the FBI,” he said, insisting that “an American war hero” like Gen. Mike Flynn shouldn’t be the only government official prosecuted for this offense. “Andrew McCabe was literally fired over that charge. Is he going to receive the same treatment as General Flynn and be prosecuted?” he asked.

Hannity saved the heavy artillery for last, arguing that Comey should be charged with a serious offense for effectively clearing Clinton of any wrongdoing months before the FBI interviewed the former first lady and more than a dozen other key witnesses. He called Comey’s negligence “an obvious violation of the Espionage Act,” which could subject the former head of the FBI to serious jail time.

The next attorney general may finally hold senior FBI officials accountable for conducting a politically-charged investigation against the current Republican president. Hannity, like many conservatives, is only too happy to provide Barr with an expansive list of their crimes.

Hannity: ‘The walls are closing in on James Comey’ Hannity: ‘The walls are closing in on James Comey’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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