WATCH: The Liberal Hosts Of The ‘View’ Weren’t Prepared For Abby Huntsman’s FIERY Defense Of President Trump!

Former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying about his dealings involving a Trump hotel in Russia. That means, to the left part of the panel on ABC’s “The View,” that Trump clearly colluded with Russia and is on his way out of office.

You know, the same way that the James Comey testimony did, or the George Papadopoulos guilty plea did, or the Paul Manafort situation did …

As of this writing, Russian collusion is still as chimerical as it’s ever been, the special counsel seems no closer to proving it and Donald J. Trump is still ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And, as co-host Abby Huntsman pointed out to the rest of the panel Friday, the charge of collusion seems a bit ridiculous when put next to Trump’s crackdown on Russia — something they weren’t going to give him credit for.

After new “View” panelist Ana Navarro — the former “Republican” that CNN grabbed up long ago to prove it indeed had a Republican who thought Trump was Satan incarnate, too — said the president was being too friendly with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Huntsman noted that Trump had been tougher on Russia than “any administration since the Cold War.”

“No one ever talks about the actual issues and what’s being done to combat Russia because that’s not the shiny object,” the former Fox News host said.

“No one cares about that. No one gives the president credit for anything that he does right.”

There was a bit of back and forth between co-hosts Joy Behar and Meghan McCain over the occasionally friendly relationships past presidents — including George W. Bush and Barack Obama — have had with Putin.

Then Sunny Hostin wondered about Trump’s decision to cancel a meeting with Russia over the seizure of Ukrainian naval vessels.

“Um, when was he concerned about the Ukraine?” Hostin asked.

That probably wasn’t the question to go with, at least if you don’t know the facts of the matter.

“Really? Really, Sunny? Really, Sunny?” Huntsman said. “Trump has actually been tougher on Ukraine than President Obama was. The first thing he did with Russia when he got into office was arm the Ukrainians and put sanctions on Russia as it relates to Ukraine.”

She also said the other co-hosts shouldn’t conflate the Mueller investigation with Trump’s Russia policy — given that no collusion has been proved and the facts don’t bear out the argument.

“But if you want to talk about actual diplomacy, things that are happening with Russia, that is a very different thing. I would love for this table — not Meghan included because she’s different — to give him credit on something.”

But then, when it comes to Sunny Hostin — um, since when was she concerned about Ukraine? That’s the real issue here. Russia policy only matters if it proves some sort of pattern only the president’s adversaries can see. What a surprise.

Via WesternJournal

WATCH: The Liberal Hosts Of The ‘View’ Weren’t Prepared For Abby Huntsman’s FIERY Defense Of President Trump! WATCH: The Liberal Hosts Of The ‘View’ Weren’t Prepared For Abby Huntsman’s FIERY Defense Of President Trump! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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