Rush Limbaugh says Mueller, media have “zero” evidence of Trump/Russia collusion

With former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s federal court appearance on Thursday, in which he pleaded guilty to making false statements to a congressional committee, the mainstream media has, once again, exhumed the Robert Mueller investigation into Russia-Trump collusion. But, don’t be fooled by the left’s portrayal of events and its new spurt of energy, warns one conservative commentator. Even though it is taking more beatings the horse remains dead.

In light of the new information that has come out as a result of Cohen’s plea deal, Rush Limbaugh, on his radio program on Thursday, highlighted the deficiencies in  Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion.

“Robert Mueller has nothing because there is nothing on what everybody in this country has been misled to believe for the past two years, that the election of 2016 was illegitimate, because Trump cheated with help from the Russians,” said Limbaugh. “Mueller doesn’t have that evidence because it doesn’t exist.”

Mueller’s ever-changing investigation

According to Limbaugh, the Mueller investigation is full of holes. But, over the past two years, the media has manipulated the story so as to make it look as though Trump is and always has been guilty, even though what they say he is guilty of has changed significantly from just after the 2016 presidential election to the present day.

“When you hear the term ‘Russian collusion’ . . . I want to [sic] you to think back the entire two years . . . to remember how your mind has been shaped on this,” said Limbaugh. “I want you to go back and remember shortly after the election when The New York Times and The Washington Post and CNN every day had at least one story and maybe more featuring unnamed sources from the intelligence community. And they were leaking, they were implying that there was deep collusion between the Trump campaign.”

But, as Limbaugh goes on to note, the story has undergone a drastic change: The initial accusations of “deep collusion” have now dwindled down to a “nothingburger” Trump Tower meeting and “questions about Trump trying to work out a legal business deal in Moscow.”

“Where is the tampering of votes? Where is the meetings? Where is the strategy? Where is the evidence that Trump got together with Russians to sabotage the Hillary campaign? Which is what everybody has been led to believe happened here,” Limbaugh asked. “And now we’re down to a disagreement over a meeting in Trump Tower on June the 9th of 2016.”

“Zilch, zero, nada”

For Limbaugh, the reason for this shift is obvious: there is no evidence of Trump wrongdoing.

“We haven’t found anybody that has anything to do with Russian collusion,” said Limbaugh. “We haven’t found anything on anybody who had anything to do with rigging an election. We haven’t found anybody, there is nobody who had [any] involvement with tampering with votes in the 2016 election — zilch, zero, nada.”

Not having found any evidence of collusion, they have to try to find Trump to be guilty of something else; after all, this is the left’s ticket to get Trump impeached. Limbaugh explained:

Now they have to try to establish collusion in some other way, and this Trump Tower meeting and its timeline is the one example, the one and only example of collusion. Even if Trump met with somebody in Moscow to build a building, even if the meeting in Trump Tower, he knew about it or didn’t know about it, the fact the meeting happened has nothing to do with collusion and affecting the outcome of an election. Collusion isn’t a crime.

A similar argument was made by Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard Law professor, who stated that “the weakness of Mueller’s substantive findings are suggested by the fact that he has to resort to false statement prosecutions.” “These are not crimes that had been committed prior to his appointment,” he added, “they’re crimes that were committed as the result of his [Mueller’s] appointment, and that raises some questions about the role of special prosecutors in creating crimes, or creating opportunities for crimes to be committed.”

Propaganda machine

Limbaugh places a large portion of the blame for misconceptions about this investigation on the mainstream media.

“The purpose of the news reports the last two years has been to convince as many people as possible that Trump had an ongoing secret relationship with the Russians — could have been with Putin, could have been anybody — and the purpose of this ongoing relationship was to win the 2016 election using sabotage from the Russians to harm the campaign of Mrs. Clinton,” he said. “Is this basically not what they tried to make us all think happened? Is that not what collusion was said to mean?”

As proof, he offered the finding of a recent poll which shows that 42% of the American people believe Russians tampered with votes. “That is what collusion with Russia has come to mean to the American people, precisely because that is how the story was reported,” he said.

There is little doubt that the Mueller investigation represents the last hopes of the left to get a Trump impeachment. As such, they will continue to try to persuade as many as possible that Trump is guilty of something, as they have with the recent Cohen plea. But as Limbaugh cautions, don’t be fooled: despite overwhelming media coverage, there is still zero evidence of Trump guilt.

Rush Limbaugh says Mueller, media have “zero” evidence of Trump/Russia collusion Rush Limbaugh says Mueller, media have “zero” evidence of Trump/Russia collusion Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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