‘Predictable but sad’: Sean Hannity blasts leftists for comparing caravan migrants to Jews fleeing the Holocaust

Sean Hannity blasted the left on Monday for comparing immigration enforcement to the Holocaust.

In his opening monologue on his self-titled Fox News program, the conservative host said it was “predictable but sad” that the left is demonizing border patrol for doing their jobs and comparing the “caravan” of migrants seeking entry into the country to the millions of Jews who perished in Nazi death camps.

His comments come as President Donald Trump’s administration is facing criticism for using tear gas on a crowd of migrants who rushed the southern border and harassed border agents over the weekend.

Hannity slams Holocaust caravan comparisons

Tensions have been brewing at the border as a crowd of thousands of migrants has arrived near the Mexican cities of Tijuana and Mexicali. Some of these migrants rushed the border near San Diego, CA and threw rocks and debris at border agents over the weekend, Border Patrol chief Carla Provost said.

Border patrol responded with tear gas to disperse the crowd. Images of the chaos went viral over the weekend, prompting criticism of the Trump administration and comparisons on the left between border enforcement and the Holocaust.

Hannity said that the Democrats and the media sharing these sentiments are waging a “full-scale smear campaign” against border patrol and those who support the rule of law, pointing to a tweet by New York representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who compared the situation at the border to Hitler’s genocide of six million Jews. The progressive firebrand described the migrants as refugees seeking asylum who must be allowed into the country.

“Last time I checked, throwing rocks and bottles at law enforcement generally doesn’t count as an application for refugee status,” Hannity said. He added that Holocaust comparisons were an “extreme disservice” to Holocaust victims and that the “demonization” of border patrol on the left was “sad but predictable.”

Holocaust comparison inaccurate, wrong

Recent mainstream coverage of the caravan has felt a bit like deja vu, as the left also compared the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) to Nazis and immigrants to Holocaust victims in June, when a “zero-tolerance policy” enacted by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions led to migrant families being separated. But despite the growing consensus on the left that any attempt to protect the border is evil and that immigration restrictions are comparable to genocide, there is no comparison between the caravan and the Holocaust.

As one MSNBC reporter observed, the caravan consists mostly of young men seeking jobs, not families fleeing war and persecution. San Diego’s chief border patrol agent Rodney Scott also said that the agents made 42 arrests, that the vast majority of migrants were men, and that there were at times two or three agents facing hundreds of aggressive migrants.

Simply put, the Holocaust narrative is an attempt to frame what looks like an invasion as something entirely different — a group of helpless asylum seekers, mostly women and children — and to use shame, guilt, and misleading images to manipulate Americans into accepting open borders. Hannity said that the extreme rhetoric was entirely political and that those attacking border patrol were “literally lying,” noting that they ignored the migrants’ aggression toward border patrol agents and reminding viewers that the Barack Obama administration also used tear gas on migrants. 

“So what should border patrol do when they are being hit with rocks and bottles and other things?” the Fox host asked. “What you have been watching and reading about is just pure politics in motion. People are literally lying to you.”

The “lying” left only wants power

Hannity went on to say that the left doesn’t care about security threats or the economic costs of illegal immigration because their priority is to “score political points” for an extreme open borders agenda. The left has no moderates anymore and only cares about winning, he said, “no matter the cost, no matter the damage.”

“The Democrats, one, the mainstream media, two, the deep state, three, weak Republicans, four, and the never-Trumpers — they want to be proven right,” Hannity said, predicting that these five groups would begin to “spew anti-Trump vitriol” non-stop in January.

Hannity started the monologue off by posing a very simple question: “Do we as a constitutional republic, do we have the right to sovereignty? Do you believe in borders? Do you believe we have a right to protect those borders, protect our sovereignty?”

The answer from the left is clear enough: no.

“And sadly,” Hannity said, “the left only cares about winning, no matter the cost, no matter the damage, no matter the risk.”

‘Predictable but sad’: Sean Hannity blasts leftists for comparing caravan migrants to Jews fleeing the Holocaust ‘Predictable but sad’: Sean Hannity blasts leftists for comparing caravan migrants to Jews fleeing the Holocaust Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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