‘It’s only going to get worse’: Rush Limbaugh predicts Democrats, media will ramp up attacks on Trump

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh warned Monday that the establishment is planning a massive effort to take down President Donald Trump now that the Democrats have won control of the House. Trump and his base have no idea what’s coming when the Democrats officially assume power of the lower chamber in January, Limbaugh said.

“I don’t think people have, even those who think they know, I don’t think you have the slightest idea what’s coming next January and on after that, after the Democrat Congress is sworn in, the Democrat House, I don’t think anybody has any idea,” Limbaugh said.

Rush warns of establishment coup

Still unable to accept the result of an election from two years ago, the media and establishments of both parties are licking their chops now that the Democrats have taken back control of the House. Democrats made getting Trump’s tax returns a top priority within moments of reclaiming the House earlier this month, and Democratic committeemen have promised to harass his administration with subpoenas and investigations.

To make matters more urgent, Rush said that the Democrats will get help from establishment Republicans who want Trump out of the White House. Rush singled out Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) as a Republican turncoat, possibly because of statements that Gowdy made over the weekend about wanting to investigate Ivanka Trump’s e-mails.

Rush predicted that a group of 20 or so Democratic and Republican committeemen, including Gowdy, Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY), will go after Trump with every subpoena they’ve got to obstruct his administration.

“I mean, Nadler says we’re gonna look at taxes, we’re gonna look at tax returns, we’re gonna look at Trump’s wealth and what relationship it has to Russia and Putin. We’re gonna look at everything,” he explained, adding:

And I’m just warning you that there are more Republicans than you know that are gonna eagerly join Democrat efforts. There’s all kinds of Republicans on every one of these committees.

Democrats eager for Mueller report, impeachment

Rush said that many people have expressed disbelief to him about the organized hatred against the president from the media and both parties, but added that it was important for conservatives to wake up to the leftist threat because “this onslaught is not gonna end. It’s only gonna get worse.”

Turning to Robert Mueller’s investigation, Rush said that elites in both parties are eagerly waiting for the “Witch Hunt” to deliver a report laying out impeachable offenses. The Washington, D.C. “swamp” is still furious that Trump won the election and wants him gone.

“This is not anything but I’m just trying to prepare you for it, for when it kicks up, because you’re gonna find a whole lot of Republicans signing on to what the Democrats do, because most of the people in that town despise Trump, despise the fact that he won, have not been able to get over it, have not been able to accept the election results 2016,” Limbaugh said, adding, “They’re waiting with bated breath on the Mueller report. They can’t wait. They’re so excited.”

Rush said that Mueller’s report doesn’t need to be true for the president’s enemies to use it, just damaging for Trump.

Rush said that Nancy Pelosi, who has pushed back against impeachment and is expected to take the Speaker’s gavel, may have no choice but to pursue impeachment if Mueller writes a false but damning report. Limbaugh explained:

[Mueller] can write a report making Trump look like the biggest doofus that ever walked the earth. He can write a report making Trump look like the most dumb, vulnerable, naive president we’ve ever had. He can write a report saying the election of Donald Trump and the Trump campaign opened the door for the Russians to have whatever they wanted in the United States. Yeah. All he has to do is write a report that says something like that. With no evidence.

Legal expert Alan Dershowitz similarly predicted over the weekend that the Mueller report will be “devastating” to Trump. “[Mueller]’s not going to be fair. He’s going to produce what he believes is going to be a devastating attack,” Dershowitz said again on Fox News. “They’re going to put together every bit of evidence and present a mosaic which points to the White House, the Oval Office, the president.”

The Nixon treatment

Limbaugh said that the Democrats will look for anything they can to impeach Trump, but they don’t need to actually pursue impeachment to force Trump out of office, only threaten to do so. He predicted that the establishment will isolate the president by poaching off members of his party until, like Richard Nixon, he has two choices: face impeachment, or step down. Limbaugh said:

There’s about 20 of ’em [congressional leaders], folks, that are going to be devoted to doing nothing but getting rid of Donald Trump. Not by way of impeachment, by the way. They’re going to try to do it by forcing every Republican in the Congress, House and Senate, that they can to abandon Trump.

They are going to try to establish circumstances where some senator, some member of Congress is going to one day have to make a fateful trip to the White House to tell President Trump that he’s lost all support and that he’s got two choices: He can either resign or undergo the impeachment process. That’s what they did with Nixon. They made sure Nixon had no support for an eventual impeachment or for anything else.

Rush predicted that the media will ramp up misleading coverage of the “caravan” before January. “This entire Christmas season, the media is gonna be devoted to finding examples via video and still shot photography of the Trump administration being mean to kids,” he said. “They’ll use these caravan migrants and so forth, any other number of examples. It’s gonna be brutal, folks, because they think they’re getting close now.”

“It’s God-awful shameful what the media and the Democrat Party are trying to do to this man, Donald Trump, for having done nothing more than beat them in an election,” Limbaugh said.

‘It’s only going to get worse’: Rush Limbaugh predicts Democrats, media will ramp up attacks on Trump ‘It’s only going to get worse’: Rush Limbaugh predicts Democrats, media will ramp up attacks on Trump Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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