Yes, Hillary Is Absolutely TERRIFIED Of The 37 Pages The FBI Possesses – Better Get Her Cell Ready

Thanks to the national fever over the Kavanaugh hearings, a report that the FBI is holding onto documents that are potentially damning for the Clintons has been able to slip under the radar of the establishment media.

In a recent bombshell report by The Hill, investigative journalist John Solomon wrote that the FBI has identified 37 pages of documents that may offer information about what FBI agents told the Obama administration preceding the Uranium One deal about the criminal wrongdoing found in Russia’s nuclear Industry.

Those suspicious of the deal pointed to evidence that bribery may have been at play in the deal.  For example, the fact that Russians paid former President Bill Clinton $500,000 to give a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock a few weeks before then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton had to vote on the acquisition.

Or you could bring up the $145 million that went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One.  Or the fact that Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, was paid $180,000 by Uranium One to encourage Clinton’s approval of the deal.

And more evidence of Clinton-Russia collusion may exist in these FBI documents. At least, there is reason to believe that the documents would inform the American people about what information the Obama administration was working with before the Obama-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States made the highly controversial deal with Russia.

That said, neither of the two possible outcomes of this information is great. Either the Obama administration knew about the corruption involved and chose to give American assets to Russia anyway, or the FBI hid their findings and failed to alert the president, the secretary of state and the CFIUS board. Both options give serious indications about the corruption that compromised national security.

However, according to Solomon, the American people won’t be privy to this info, as the FBI is keeping the documents secret from the public.  They claim that they must not disclose the info in order to protect national security and law enforcement, or that they are guarding the privacy of American citizens, or that they must protect the ability of government agencies to communicate among themselves. Pick one.

And as Solomon pointed out, these sound like the same reasons that the FBI originally gave for why they couldn’t publish documents about the Russia collusion investigation — documents which gave information about former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s anti-Trump texts,or documents on Clinton and other Democrats funding the fraudulent Steele dossier to take down Trump.

The bureau did release a few documents under the title “Uranium One Transaction” in its Freedom of Information Act online vault, but these were just public letters from members of Congress calling for answers about the Uranium One case.

olomon was the first reporter last fall to break the story that in 2009 William Douglas Campbell, an American businessman, posed as a consultant inside Russian President Vladimir Putin’s massive nuclear corporation, Rosatom, while actually working as an FBI informant.

As Solomon reported, Campbell gave the FBI extensive evidence that by early 2010, Rosatom’s main U.S. executive, Vadim Mikerin, had engineered a major racketeering scheme. The scheme included bribes, kickbacks, and extortion which led to the corruption of the main uranium trucking company in the U.S., putting national security at risk. Mikerin and some other American officials were eventually convicted of these crimes, but not until many years later.

And these years of delay in prosecution meant that the public stayed ignorant of the fact that the FBI was aware of the Russian bribery plot as early as 2009. Had the FBI been transparent with their intel, would the CFIUS still have been able to get away with approving the Uranium One deal in late 2010?

Solomon, who spoke with Campbell, said that Campbell was told by his FBI handlers that they had briefed Obama and then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, now the Russia special prosecutor, on Rosatom’s criminal activities.

Campbell told Solomon that FBI agents suggested that “politics” was why the sale was still made.

Solomon wrote that a former U.S. official, who had access to the evidence given to CFIUS during the uranium deal, told him, “There is definitely material that would be illuminating to the issues that have been raised. Somebody should fight to make it public.”

But since then, nothing has been shared with the American people to address the corruption issue, which is of serious public concern. In fact, it almost seems like no one is interested. Instead, the media is stuffing he-said-she-said reporting down our throats, with liberals crying out that justice be done Washington D.C.

But the outcry for “justice” only helps Democrats ignore and bury any evidence that Obama and his colleagues may have been involved in a major cover-up conspiracy.

Maybe the establishment media wouldn’t be reporting about the FBI documents in any case. But the allegations against Kavanaugh sure have worked as a great distraction.

Via WesternJournal

Yes, Hillary Is Absolutely TERRIFIED Of The 37 Pages The FBI Possesses – Better Get Her Cell Ready Yes, Hillary Is Absolutely TERRIFIED Of The 37 Pages The FBI Possesses – Better Get Her Cell Ready Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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