As Republicans rushed out to announce the completion of the FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, and Democrats pointed out that the “investigation” had been hamstrung by the White House and included interviews with a tiny handful of people while dozens of others waited for an FBI call that never came, Twitter responded. Holes in the Republican story about what this report is and says were identified.
xIf Grassley believed the report was exonerating, he would have a copy in every reporter's hand. This is such a farce.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) October 4, 2018 xItâ€Â™s not a subjective question whether the FBI investigation was a sham. Trump said publicly there should be no restrictions. The White House confirmed those were the orders. If there were restrictions, it was not only a sham, it was a corrupt cover-up.
— Jesse Lee (@JesseCharlesLee) October 4, 2018Republicans launched a PR offensive claiming that the Kavanaugh fight had been great for them, and managed to convince a few reporters but not many other people.
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