Black Gun Owner Gives Gun-grabbing City Council Epic Lesson In Second Amendment Rights

A black gun owner slammed those who would want to restrict guns from law-abiding citizens during a Tuesday city council meeting on how to combat gun violence.

“You want to restrict my right to buy a firearm and protect myself from some of the very people you are talking about in here tonight,” Mark Robinson, a Greensboro, N.C., resident said. “The law-abiding citizens of this community, of other communities we are the first ones taxed and the last ones considered.”

Robinson spoke out a city council meeting held to address how the community should handle gun violence and whether it should cancel an upcoming “Gun and Knife Show.” The Greensboro gun owner argued it was far past time for the government to listen to the “majority” in America: law-abiding citizens who might want to buy guns.

“I’m the majority. I’m a law-abiding citizen who has never shot anybody,” Robinson said. “Never committed a serious crime. Never committed a felony. I’ve never done anything like that. It seems like every time we have one of these shootings, nobody wants to put the blame where it goes, which is at the shooter’s feet. You want to put it at my feet. You want to turn around and restrict my rights.”

Via BizPAC

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Black Gun Owner Gives Gun-grabbing City Council Epic Lesson In Second Amendment Rights Black Gun Owner Gives Gun-grabbing City Council Epic Lesson In Second Amendment Rights Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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