This Is GOOD – Ben Shapiro Calls Out CNN’s Horrible Gun Coverage Straight To Their Face!

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro called out CNN’s coverage of gun rights to host Brian Stelter’s face in an appearance on “Reliable Sources.”


Stelter asked Shapiro “Where do you see the most egregious media bias right now?”

“Well, over the last three weeks, obviously, the coverage of the gun debate has been absolutely egregious. I mean, I don’t want to single out your network, but CNN’s been pretty bad on this from a conservative perspective,” Shapiro responded.

“The idea that when there’s a mass shooting, that the media feel the necessity to put on TV not only survivors but specific survivors, that there’s a certain subset of survivors who make it on TV a lot, a lot, and there are certain other survivors who don’t, and that they decide to single out certain events, and not other events, in order to make a particular case, or they allow certain people to go on TV and suggest that folks like Dana Loesch or people at the NRA are evil, don’t care, they’re terrorists, and there’s no pushback from the anchors.”

“You know, this sort of thing makes a lot of people on the right feel that the media are really using this as an opportunity to push gun control rather than objectively covering the legislative efforts that are going on in Washington, D.C.,” Shapiro added.

Via DailyCaller

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
This Is GOOD – Ben Shapiro Calls Out CNN’s Horrible Gun Coverage Straight To Their Face! This Is GOOD – Ben Shapiro Calls Out CNN’s Horrible Gun Coverage Straight To Their Face! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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