Corrupt Much? Maxine Waters Promises To Put Money In Black Voters’ Pockets If They Vote Democrat In Upcoming Elections
Maxine Waters just cranked the identity politics up to “max.”
The Democratic California congresswoman delivered an emotional address in Selma, Ala. on Saturday, telling her audience that she will sponsor legislation to provide African Americans with “reparations” for slavery if Democrats take back the House in this year’s midterm elections.
Waters also took aim at President Trump, criticizing his feud with Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.
“This business about who’s the biggest, who’s the baddest, who’s got the biggest gun,” Waters said. “This president keeps edging that on. You know, he’s a bully. He has a bully mentality.”
The 79-year-old lawmaker called for a president who “not only has good sense, but understands diplomacy and understands what we need to do to have peace in this world, so that we can all look forward to the possibility where we’re someday gonna have a world that’s about peace and justice and respect for individual liberty.”
At that point, CNN commentator Angela Rye asked, “Is that your stump speech for 2020?” The audience erupted in applause.
Shortly after, a man in attendance asked Waters if she would support a reparations bill for blacks that had been sponsored by former Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who stepped down last year amid sexual harassment allegations.
“I’ll be happy to do that,” Waters replied.
She continued:
“But let me tell you this: In order to get where we need to go on this issue and other issues, we’ve really got to understand that 2018 is important to taking back the House and taking back the Senate. And, of course, we’ve got to get the White House.
“If we want to get to the point where we can get reparations, we’ve got to have the power to do that, number one, by having a supportive president would be wonderful, but taking back the House would be absolutely wonderful. “
The Democrat went on to tout her position as the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, and vowed to “take care” of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson should Democrats gain a majority in Congress.
“But let’s understand, I need y’all to register and vote. I need to take back that House so that we can have a majority in the committee. I am the ranking member of the financial services committee that overseas Wall Street and HUD and all of that–and by the way, we gonna take care of Ben Carson, too.”
Race-baiting and demagoguery–what else does Maxine Waters have to offer?
Gee, I didn’t know she had that much money.
— Warrent1 (@snowboss11) March 5, 2018
From her own money! Lines are forming at her Beverly Hills home. Hurry now to get yours!
— HLP🇺🇸 (@hlpryor) March 5, 2018
Maxine is a poster child for term limits…
— Virgil (@VirgilGoodwin3) March 5, 2018
She’s worth millions, let her open up her pocket book, not mine. Hopefully she won’t be re-elected.
— Sgt. Yukon Jack (@YukonSgt) March 5, 2018
Good. I need reparations after listening to her about impeaching Pres. Trump.
— Raymond German (@Rgerman49) March 5, 2018
So she’s paying back the taxpayers?
— F. (@ike1__) March 5, 2018
Promising free stuff, typical Liberal politician.
— Bump (@Bump21850261) March 5, 2018
Via BizPAC
by Doyle Alexander via enVolve

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