BREAKING: Trump STANDS FIRM In Support of 2nd Amendment, New Proposals ANGER Liberal Gun-Grabbers

Since the shooting in Parkland, Florida that occurred almost a month ago, the left has been busy pushing the gun control agenda on the American people. These gun grabbers in their need to control the population have been standing on their soapbox and using children as props to tug at the heartstrings of weary Americans demanding that President Trump change our current gun laws. However, instead of bending to the bullying tactics of the left, Trump has pushed back against their sick demands and devised a new plan that has liberals screeching.

For the last month, the left has been telling everyone that the only way to combat gun violence on our public school campuses is to add more gun laws to the books. While in theory that sounds like it would work in all actuality it just slaps a band-aid on a much more profound problem we are facing in society. President Trump realizes that, and instead of pushing to add more gun laws to the books he has come up with a new plan to combat the increasing violence in our country.

So what is this new plan that Trump is proposing you may be asking, right? Well, Trump suggested that instead of continuing with schools being a gun-free zone that teachers should be armed to protect their students in the event of an active shooter situation. Not only did Trump propose that solution he also seemed to backtrack on the suggestion to raise the age requirement of purchasing a firearm to 21.

President Trump unveils his new plan to combat gun violence on school campuses across the country.

Here is more from KATC:

“President Donald Trump’s plan to prevent school shootings doesn’t increase the minimum age for purchasing assault weapons to 21 – an idea Trump publicly favored just last month – and leaves the question of arming teachers to states and local communities.

Instead, a new federal commission on school safety will examine the age issue as part of a package the White House announced Sunday in response to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, last month that left 17 dead.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who on Sunday called the proposal “meaningful actions, steps that can be taken right away to help protect students,” said Monday the plan was “the first step in a more lengthy process.”

No deadline was set for the commission’s recommendations, but officials expected them in less than a year.

Pressed repeatedly on NBC Monday about why the White House backed off Trump’s support for increasing the minimum age for purchasing assault-style weapons, DeVos said that “everything is on the table,” stressing that the commission will study a wide range of issues.

The administration also pledged to help states pay for firearms training for teachers and reiterated its call to improve the background check and mental health systems.

DeVos declined to say on NBC how many teachers should be armed.

“This is an issue that is best decided by local communities and by states,” DeVos said on NBC. “It’s not going to be appropriate in every location but it is going to be appropriate in some places.”

The White House announcement came a day after Trump, speaking about the opioid problem, criticized policy commissions during a rally in Pennsylvania, saying “we can’t just keep setting up blue-ribbon committees.”

The plan was immediately panned by gun control advocates, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. “Americans expecting real leadership to prevent gun violence will be disappointed and troubled by President Trump’s dangerous retreat from his promise,” said Avery Gardiner, the group’s co-president.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York described it as “tiny baby steps designed not to upset the NRA, when the gun violence epidemic in this country demands that giant steps be taken.”


President Trump is establishing a Federal Commission on School Safety that will be headed by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

It won’t take long for the left to attack this common-sense plan to combat gun violence on our school campuses. The left believes that the only way to protect the people is by disarming them and that is not what the second amendment is about at all. The only way to protect our children is to NOT put them in vulnerable situations that will cause them harm and give teachers the tools to protect them.

H/T [Daily Mail]

by A. Michael Smith via enVolve
BREAKING: Trump STANDS FIRM In Support of 2nd Amendment, New Proposals ANGER Liberal Gun-Grabbers BREAKING: Trump STANDS FIRM In Support of 2nd Amendment, New Proposals ANGER Liberal Gun-Grabbers Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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