Wikileaks Just Released More PROOF That It Was Hillary Who Colluded With Russia During The Election

While the mainstream media tries to pretend that Trump colluded with Russia without evidence, the truth is that they colluded with Hillary Clinton during the election campaign.

From Conservative Post:

Wikileaks released a shocking new bombshell showing the New York Times telling the United States government what articles it will release 9 days in advanced.

“Email shows New York Times handed over Cablegate’s publication schedule to the US government (without telling @WikiLeaks) giving the State Department, then headed by Hillary Clinton, up to 9 days in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions,” tweeted Wikileaks.

“F.I, I just went through preparing our Gitmo and Korea cables for posting. We’re posting no Gitmo cables that mention So NKorea and Gitmo are the stories running Tuesday,” writes the New York Times writer Scott Shane to for US Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip J Crowley who worked under Hillary Clinton at the time.

“Wednesday is Pakistan and Blackwater. Thursday is Russia and Canada. Friday is Afghan Corruption and Karzai (two separate stories!). Saturday is Yemen. Sunday is China. Monday is Terrorist Financing and possibly something on Iraq for which you have no cables yet Tuesday is Arms Trade (Weapons) and possibly something on NATO for which you have no cables yet,” wrote Shane.

“So I hope we can have a talk tomorrow about Pakistan and Blackwater at the very least; it would be great to get farther through the stack,” wrote Shane.

Wikileaks has proved once again that Trump is NOT the one to blame, but liberals and Democrats don’t even care. They will do anything to try and belittle him and ruin his name, meanwhile their Golden Girl Hillary can do no wrong – even if it’s PROVEN that she’s colluded with Russia. Hypocrites!

by Thomas Robertson via enVolve
Wikileaks Just Released More PROOF That It Was Hillary Who Colluded With Russia During The Election Wikileaks Just Released More PROOF That It Was Hillary Who Colluded With Russia During The Election Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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