Donald Trump BRUTALLY Retorts Media For Rehashing Phony ‘Mental Stability’ Claims

President Donald Trump lashed out on Saturday morning against the flimsy narrative making the rounds that he is “mentally unfit” to be President of the United States.

(Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The narrative began during the first year of the Trump administration when Democrats sought to have the president dragged out of office, by hook or by crook, using the 25th amendment‘s clause that a president or vice president may be removed if “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury”: Inside the Trump White House” is but the latest installment that is feeding the political ploy.

“One hundred percent of the people around Donald Trump, senior advisers and family members, every single one of them, questions his intelligence and fitness for office,” Wolff writes. Fox News’ Geraldo later exposed this as a “patent lie.”

(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

A Yale university psychiatry professor, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, who is the editor of a collection “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” was recently summoned to Capitol Hill to consult with lawmakers on the mental state of the president. Democratic lawmakers, obviously, care less for the temperament and mental health of Mr. Trump than for their ability to connive a way to remove him from office.

The conversation “what to do about Donny” began in earnest this week when he made a metaphorical threat to the deranged, pot-bellied dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-Un.

“Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!” the president wrote on Twitter.

This didn’t trigger a nuclear meltdown, except in the media, whose journalists clutched their pearls over the saber-rattling. But the president’s demonstration of the “madman theory” in his foreign relations, an Eisenhower-type ploy to alter the risk calculation of an American adversary by feigning unpredictability, is being presented at face value in the U.S. media. It’s an all-too-convenient way to discredit Trump as unhinged; but it’s more Sun Tzu than Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum.

Donald Trump took to Twitter in a Saturday morning tirade to take down his media adversaries.

Of course, armchair psychologists would argue that this extreme level of self-confidence borders on narcissism, and that is correct. That is not the same thing, however, as narcissistic personality disorder.

Extreme self-confidence is, on the other hand, a common trait of numerous political leaders, not to mention our past president Barack Obama. And perish the thought of any mainstream media outlets questioning Obama’s mental fitness for office.

Trump is all-too-mentally fit for the office of the presidency, much to the chagrin of his political adversaries. But if it’s one thing that the news media and Hollywood are good at creating, it’s an alternate universe for their all-too-willing believers to inhabit, facts be damned.

Via BizPAC

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Donald Trump BRUTALLY Retorts Media For Rehashing Phony ‘Mental Stability’ Claims Donald Trump BRUTALLY Retorts Media For Rehashing Phony ‘Mental Stability’ Claims Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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