Democrats Fear That Young People Will Vote Republican Because Trump Cut Taxes DRASTICALLY

One of Hillary Clinton’s longest-serving, most-trusted political advisers is deeply worried that young voters will see more money in their bank accounts after the GOP tax cuts and therefore consider voting Republican.

Philippe Reines served as a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton for more than a decade in multiple roles in both her Senate and state department offices. He also advised Clinton in the lead up to her presidential campaign. Reines sat down with Washington interns to give his assessment of the political landscape after the 2016 election. Reines was asked by a young woman about the future of young voters in politics. The Clinton advisor first began by saying he didn’t know “how millennials think” and that it is “unclear what will get them going.”

Reines speculated that someone like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren would be good at tapping youth enthusiasm but went on to say he is fearful that Trump and GOP policies will begin to animate millennials, specifically when they see their taxes go down. 

Donald Trump and his people want everyone to shut up, get over the election, Hillary Clinton go away, that’s in their best interest, but that’s not how it works. We are supposed to oppose what we disagree with. And I hope millennials don’t fall into a lull of accepting, this is what it is. God knows how many of them will see their taxes go down and base it just on that. But yeah, they are a key demographic that voted oddly in 2016, and I am not sure people understand how to get them to vote productively. In 2020.

God forbid.

Via DailyCaller

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Democrats Fear That Young People Will Vote Republican Because Trump Cut Taxes DRASTICALLY Democrats Fear That Young People Will Vote Republican Because Trump Cut Taxes DRASTICALLY Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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