Trump: “You won’t have a Second Amendment”

The president just gave voters a strong reason to vote against his challenger.

According to Breitbart, President Donald Trump warned Americans on Thursday that a Biden administration would be the end of the Second Amendment. 

It’s true

If you doubt the president, just take a look at “The Biden Plan to End Our Gun Violence Epidemic.” This lengthy treatise will leave you wondering what would be left of the Second Amendment should Biden get elected and his plan, implemented. The answer, “not much.”

But, President Trump wasn’t referring to this when he spoke to the people of Wisconsin on Thursday night. Rather, he was referring to a promise that Biden made back in early March.

During a campaign stop in Dallas, Texas, Biden promised Americans that, should he become president, he will put Robert “Beto” O’Rourke in charge of his push for gun control. And, this tells the voter just about everything he or she needs to know about Biden’s stance on the Second Amendment.

Remember O’Rourke?

O’Rourke is the former Texas representative, a Democrat, who failed as a presidential candidate several months back. Probably more than anything else, O’Rourke has become known for his position on the Second Amendment: He is a vehement supporter of gun control, which, in his case, amounts to gun confiscation.

During the Democrat primary debate that took place last September, O’Rourke infamously exclaimed, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15.”

O’Rourke did not retreat from this stance two weeks later when he used an attack that occurred in 2013 to argue that weapons “like the AR-15s and the AK-47s” have to be confiscated, an argument he made notwithstanding the fact that the shooter in the incident to which he was referring, the New River Community College attack, actually used a shotgun. And, O’Rourke has not backed off this stance yet.

“You won’t have a Second Amendment”

With all of this in mind, President Trump on Thursday said to the people of Wisconsin, “Crazy Beto. …He’s in charge of the Second Amendment and you won’t have a Second Amendment.”

As far as we know, Biden still plans on putting O’Rourke in charge of gun control policy. The most recent indication of Biden’s stance on gun control came last Sunday, after the savage attack by a gunman on two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies, when Biden tweeted:

Weapons of war have no place in our communities. We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

President Trump is right, under a Biden administration, we “won’t have a Second Amendment.”

The president, however, assured Americans: “as long as I’m here you’ll always have a Second Amendment.” We know who we’re voting for.

The post Trump: "You won't have a Second Amendment" first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Trump: “You won’t have a Second Amendment” Trump: “You won’t have a Second Amendment” Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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