George Conway takes social media swipe at wife Kellyanne over Trump

The running subplot of the liberal media’s obsession with the marriage of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and husband George Conway has been nothing short of despicable, and now, thanks to a rare public display by Mr. Conway on social media, it will undoubtedly sink to a new low.

Breitbart reported that, for perhaps the first time ever, Conway took a public swipe at his wife over her “boss,” President Donald Trump, issuing a snide reply to something she had tweeted.

Kellyanne knocks Biden

The president’s senior adviser shared a recently resurfaced snippet of video in which former Vice President Joe Biden, a top 2020 contender for the Democrat nomination, spoke nonsensically about children rubbing his leg hair and jumping in his lap when he worked as a lifeguard at a pool as a teen.

Conway sarcastically linked Biden’s bizarre comments to the impeachment frenzy currently gripping D.C.

Conway’s mention of needing “Ukraine’s help” to defeat Biden was, of course, in reference to the central tenet of the ongoing impeachment inquiry against the president.

Democrats have continuously, yet unconvincingly asserted that Trump pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden by conditioning military aid and a White House visit on the launch of such a probe.

George snarks back

It would appear that George Conway, however — a rather outspoken critic of President Trump — has in fact been persuaded by Democrats that an inappropriate request was made of Ukraine, something that was clearly evidenced by what he wrote in response to his wife’s tongue-in-cheek remark about needing that country’s help.

Linking to his wife’s tweet, Conway fired back with characteristic rancor.

Private feud goes public

It has been no secret that Kellyanne and George have been on opposite sides of the divide over Trump since his election. The former has been one of the president’s fiercest and most loyal defenders, while the former has been just as outspoken in his criticism of Trump.

However, that difference in opinion over Trump has always appeared rather passive-aggressive in nature, with both spouses seeming to shy away from truly public confrontations over the matter, despite constant efforts by the media to drive a wedge and force such a showdown.

It looks like the media has gotten its wish, now that George Conway has quote-tweeted his wife in a snarky dig at her “boss.”

There is no doubt that the Trump-hating establishment will seize on this opportunity to further sow discord between husband and wife and attempt to damage the president’s relationship with a senior aide who has been by his side virtually since day one.

George Conway takes social media swipe at wife Kellyanne over Trump George Conway takes social media swipe at wife Kellyanne over Trump Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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