Former FBI official: ‘There could not be a more destructive attorney general’ than Bill Barr

“There could not be a more destructive attorney general than if Vladimir Putin had appointed [Bill] Barr himself,” an apparently deranged former FBI leader said on MSNBC on Monday.

Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, made the bizarre claim after Barr disputed the conclusion of Michael Horowitz, his inspector general, that the Trump–Russia probe was on the level, Newsweek reports. Figliuzzi accused Barr of wanting to ignore “facts” to serve President Donald Trump — and apparently the president of Russia as well.

“The only person more pleased tonight that the attorney general of the United States might be at odds with his own department, other than the president of the United States, is the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin,” Figliuzzi said.

Former FBI leader: Barr is working for Putin

Contrary to the hopes of Trump supporters, Horowitz’s long-awaited report on FISA abuse is not expected to conclude that the Trump–Russia probe was corrupt. Barr is presiding over his own criminal probe of alleged corruption in the Russia investigation, much to the chagrin of Democrats, the liberal media, and former FBI officials who now work for MSNBC.

Barr is facing a fresh round of attacks from the left over reports that he disagrees with Horowitz’s assessment that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was justified. The left has pointed to the rift as further proof that Barr is in the tank for Trump.

Responding to the horrifying news that Barr has his own thoughts, Figliuzzi said that Barr risked going down in “disgrace,” riffing off familiar smears of the attorney general. He also accused Barr of choosing Trump’s side over “the facts.”

“The problem with that is that’s not what the attorney general is supposed to do, and in fact he will disgrace his office if he chooses to ignore the facts developed by his own inspector general,” Figliuzzi said.

As it happens, Figliuzzi is no stranger to making strange, far-fetched claims about the president and his allies. The MSNBC employee previously accused Trump of trying to send a coded message to Neo-Nazis by lowering flags to half-staff on Aug. 8, or 8/8, which he interpreted to mean “Heil Hitler,” according to the New York Post.

The “Deep State” exposes itself

Ever since Barr rose to the office of attorney general, he has been routinely attacked as a traitor to his country and a personal henchman of Trump. His gravest sins: saying that Trump was spied on by the Obama administration, claiming that Trump was exonerated by Robert Mueller, and wanting to clear up the strange origins of the Trump–Russia probe.

Figliuzzi’s commentary follows in the tradition of former intelligence community officials, liberal media talking heads, and Democrats who have attacked any and all dissidents as working for Putin. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before liberals started accusing Barr, just like Trump, of having a secret compact with the Kremlin.

Through the lenses of this mentality in which everything is somehow related to Russia, Democrats have managed to tie the Ukraine impeachment narrative together with Trump’s supposed wish to help Putin dominate the neighboring country. Figliuzzi claimed that Putin “took a hit” after Russia hawk Fiona Hill testified against Trump last month, Newsweek reported.

Not unlike James Comey, John Brennan, and other “Deep State” types who leaped from work in the intelligence community to gigs in the liberal media, Figliuzzi now works for an anti-Trump network. Not surprisingly, Figliluzzi seems to see Barr the same way that Comey & co. see him: as a traitor who works for Trump, not the American people.

Maybe it’s time for them to take a look in the mirror.

Former FBI official: ‘There could not be a more destructive attorney general’ than Bill Barr Former FBI official: ‘There could not be a more destructive attorney general’ than Bill Barr Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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