Tucker Carlson: The left is doing ‘everything it can’ to divide America

The Left is doing “everything it can” to divide the country by stoking racial divisions, encouraging mistrust of law enforcement, and threatening conservatives who oppose them, Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned on his show Tuesday night.

“The left demands total conformity. They don’t believe in diversity in any sense. They’ll use censorship and threats to keep people in line. And in the short term that may work. They’re hoping it works until next November,” Carlson said. He mentioned the liberal mob that gathered outside the home of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), as well as Rep. Joaquin Castro’s (D-TX) doxxing of Trump donors in his district.

Carlson: the Left is dividing America

The left blamed President Donald Trump for stoking the flames of hatred after an anti-immigrant shooter killed more than 20 people in El Paso last weekend. Hours later, a leftist shooter killed 9 people in Dayton, Ohio. Beyond the usual calls for gun control, the left has turned gun violence into a kind of moral referendum: those who oppose gun control are simply bad people — and are probably racist too.

But all of the left’s rhetoric about violence and division is pure projection, Carlson said. Democrats are the ones turning Americans against each other with a narrative that America is evil, “white supremacy” is rampant, and that cops are “racist monsters” — and that anyone who disagrees with them is a bigot who needs to be silenced. The Fox host played clips of 2020 Democratic candidates decrying “white supremacy” as core to America’s founding, and as something that still dominates America today, as if the Civil Rights era never happened.

“They are using race to divide us. That’s a core tenet of the left. Identity politics is the process of dividing people on the basis of immutable characteristics, factors they can’t control. And that’s what the Democratic Party is at this point. It’s an identity politics party,” Carlson said.

Moreover, the left is undermining Americans’ trust in their core institutions, particularly law enforcement. Without any evidence, the left constantly smears police officers as racist, while likening Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to Nazis. Cops and ICE agent end up doing thankless work, thanks to the left’s slander. He mentioned New York City’s precipitous drop in crime from the 1990s to the present.

“Imagine if you were a cop, or your dad was a cop or your son was, having to sit and watch that slander day after day, again, on the basis of no evidence. It’s disgusting. Dividing us? Oh, yes, they’re dividing us,” Carlson said.

Watch below:

Tucker: Left is doing all it can to divide Americans

Mob threatens Mitch McConnell outside his home as Joaquin Castro lands in hot water for targeting Trump donors on Twitter. #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation.

The left is seeking control through intimidation

Where does all of this division lead? By casting all Americans who disagree with their worldview as bigots, the left is creating a dangerous and divisive political environment. The logical implication of labeling one half of the country irredeemable racists, sexists, and xenophobes is more division — and even violence.

“None of this is new by the way. Three years ago, you’ll remember Hillary Clinton ran an entire presidential campaign on this premise, attacking the country itself and its people as immoral bigots…..That’s a message of unity? No. It’s a message of disunity. It’s a message of hate, actually. Think through the implications of it. ‘Racist, sexist, xenophobic.’ What do you do to people like that? Do you try and help them? Do you feel like they’re your countrymen? Your brothers? No. They’re horrible. You try to destroy them — and they are trying to destroy them.”

It’s all part of a strategy that uses intimidation to seek “total conformity” to their worldview. Carlson pointed to a mob of protesters that gathered outside McConnell’s home, one of whom expressed a wish to “stab him in the heart.”

More alarming was Joaquin Castro’s decision to publish the names and employers of 44 Trump donors from his own district. “Why do you think he did that? You know the answer. How would you feel if you were one of those people? Would you feel safe? No, you wouldn’t. That’s fine with Congressman Castro, though. His point is really clear. You know exactly why he did that. If someone gets hurt, that’s not his problem,” Carlson said.

Tucker Carlson: The left is doing ‘everything it can’ to divide America Tucker Carlson: The left is doing ‘everything it can’ to divide America Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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