SHOCKING: Families Of El Paso Victims Defend Trump, Tell Democrats To ‘Shut Up…Keep Your Hateful Hearts In New York’

The sister of two El Paso victims is not happy with how local Democrats have politicized the Walmart massacre and used it to attack Trump.

Here is what she wrote on Facebook yesterday (h/t: PJ Media):

It’s such a shame that two of our local politicians (I refuse to say their names as they don’t deserve it) are saying that our President is not welcome on Wednesday. I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda. I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda. The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil. My brothers body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this. Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. I’m equally as angered by those two as I am with the person who took my brother and his wife from me, typing this I think I feel more animosity towards those two evil politicians. – Deborah

Wow. I’m not sure much else needs to be said here after that.

This is what Democrats do every time there’s a massacre – they politicize it to push their own agendas. Every. Single. Time.

Case in point, I just saw Democrat activist William J. Barber on TV in El Paso, and he’s from North Carolina. He’s obviously down there because that’s where the TV cameras are, so he can try and further his own political career or raise money or whatever it is he does. It’s pathetic but this is what they do.

I’m glad Deborah spoke out like she did, because only people like her who’ve suffered so much can really say what needs to be said with such sincerity. She needs to be heard, although I’m quite sure this the MSM won’t call her up for an interview because it’s not the narrative they are interested in.


SHOCKING: Families Of El Paso Victims Defend Trump, Tell Democrats To ‘Shut Up…Keep Your Hateful Hearts In New York’ SHOCKING: Families Of El Paso Victims Defend Trump, Tell Democrats To ‘Shut Up…Keep Your Hateful Hearts In New York’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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