Bad News Boys, New Yorkers Like Trump WAY More Than Cuomo Or De Blasio…HERE’S THE PROOF!

ALBANY – A stunning new poll out today shows that President Donald Trump’s recent popularity surge has even leaked into blue New York.

New Yorkers have a better view of the Republican president than either Gov. Andrew Cuomo or Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to a new Siena poll released this morning.

Cuomo has his lowest job approval ratings since he took office nine years ago. The Democrat is only liked by 34 percent of voters, compared to 64 percent who don’t approve. This bodes ill for him as he gears up for a battle for a fourth term leading the state, an election that will take place in 2022.

The Siena poll also has bad news for the two New York pols running for president. Mayor Bill de Blasio has the dubious distinction of being the single most unpopular figure in the state, with a mere 26 percent of voters having a favorable view, compared to 57 percent who don’t.

Even Trump is more popular than that. Some 35 percent of voters have a favorable view of Trump while 62 percent have an unfavorable view.
“Trump continues to be viewed overwhelmingly negatively by his fellow New Yorkers – with the exception of Republicans, nearly three-quarters of whom continue to view him favorably and give him a positive job performance rating,” said Siena pollster Steven Greenberg. “Perhaps Trump can take some solace in the fact that as unpopular as he is in his home state, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is even more unpopular.”

De Blasio’s unpopularity extends even to Democrats, with whom he’s disliked by a margin of 38 to 49 percent, and on his home turf in the city, where 56 percent of voters have an unfavorable view of him.

The other Democrat running for president from New York is Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who was viewed favorably by 41 percent of voters and unfavorably by 36 percent.

While potentially fatal, this poll’s bad news is eclipsed by a Quinnipiac University poll, also released today, showing de Blasio and Gillibrand not even registering among voters nationally. They each got less than one percent support, making them unlikely to qualify for the next presidential primary debates that will be held on Sept. 12-13.

Candidates have until Aug. 28 to both receive contributions from at least 130,000 unique donors and get at least 2 percent in four major polls.

In an indication of New York state’s leftward tilt, voters say by a 51 to 39 percent margin that Cuomo’s recent move to the progressive camp has improved the state. But his liberalism has made him deeply unpopular outside his partisan base. While Democrats awarded him a 71 percent approval rating, his popularity among Republicans is at a dismal 19 percent.

Take heavily Democratic New York City out of the picture and Cuomo is liked by just 37 to 54 percent among suburban voters and 31 to 64 upstate.

Cuomo may be personally disliked but New Yorkers are OK with the progressive legislation he helped pass this past session. Voters support the laws requiring children to be vaccinated for measles in order to attend school, allow farm workers to unionize, prod the state to reach zero carbon emissions by 2035 and ban single-use plastic bags by 2020. The only thing they’re unhappy with is the law that grants driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Via Boropark24

Bad News Boys, New Yorkers Like Trump WAY More Than Cuomo Or De Blasio…HERE’S THE PROOF! Bad News Boys, New Yorkers Like Trump WAY More Than Cuomo Or De Blasio…HERE’S THE PROOF! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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