Democrats devastated by Trump’s vindication on Russia collusion

The left is utterly demoralized in the wake of weekend news that Robert Mueller has found no collusion between president Trump and Russia.

After more than two years of feverish conspiracy mongering, the Democrats’ primary talking point has been blown to pieces, and president Trump has veen vindicated. Perhaps even more frightening for the Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been proven right when it comes to dropping serious talk of impeachment.

Dems demoralized by Mueller report

The news that Mueller’s investigation concluded without additional indictments Friday was arguably the biggest victory for president Trump since Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. For the third time since election night, president Trump triumphed over the arrayed forces of the media and the Democratic party, and the left has been totally shaken.

President Trump was uncharacteristically quiet on Twitter on Saturday before proclaiming his “total exoneration” on Sunday afternoon after a letter from Attorney General William Barr further underscored the total lack of collusion evidence.

The impact of the Mueller probe’s unraveling cannot be overstated. Impeachment talk and feverish expectations of Trump’s comeuppance completely animated the Democrats for more than two years, as hatred of the president became almost their sole unifying principle amidst intra-party fighting between its center and progressive wings.

The Democrats are right to be afraid. Perhaps the most terrifying truth for Democrats to face is that Pelosi was right to drop impeachment. The Speaker recently came out against impeachment, saying it would be a waste of time without “compelling” evidence of collusion. The case for impeachment was already in free fall before Mueller’s report was released, as many Democrats – it turns out rightly – began to dial down expectations that Mueller would deliver the indictments needed to impeach the president.

Fear and denial

Mueller’s conclusion all but erases the case for impeachment, but Democrats, fueled by denial and rage, aren’t giving up yet. After investing so heavily into a failed narrative, many have retreated further into the realm of paranoid fantasy to cope. Democrats Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), both of whom appeared to follow Pelosi’s lead on not pursuing impeachment until this weekend, are insisting that evidence of collusion is still in plain sight despite once regarding Mueller’s expertise and judgment as being beyond reproach.

The Democrats appear to be in the first stage of grief, known as denial. They have already moved on to a host of new talking points to downplay the profundity of their utter defeat, reminding us that the report hasn’t been released yet, and it might still reveal damning evidence, despite there being no new indictments. Party leaders are also fixating on Mueller’s equivocal judgment that Trump has “not been exonerated” of obstruction of justice, another feeble argument, since Trump had nothing to obstruct an investigation into in the first place.

Perhaps the gravest testament to the left’s fear and demoralization is their sudden about-face on the once-savior of democracy, Robert Mueller, whom they fashioned into a quasi-messiah across countless hours of banal late night entertainment and fevered cable news chatter. They Democrats now demand that his report be disclosed in full, apparently hoping that they will discover evidence of collusion buried in the fine print, and some are even calling to subpoena Mueller, their onetime hero. The Democrats have gone off the deep end. Their derangement is a testament to their anxiety.

With the erasure of impeachment as a serious issue, the Democrats will have to turn their minds from obstruction towards coming up with a positive platform to sell to the American people. But without the collusion delusion to drive them, unifying the party may prove difficult, as Democrats have been riven by an increasingly visible divide between traditional leadership and an emboldened progressive caucus that has openly called for socialism, taken a hard turn against Israel, and vowed to press forward with impeachment regardless.

Tables have turned

What is next for the Democrats after this? Regardless of their next move, there’s no disputing that Mueller’s report marks a turn in the tide for Trump, who can now claim total vindication in his war against the “Witch Hunt” pushed by the “Fake News” and the Democrats who have embarked on a campaign of “presidential harassment.” President Trump is now in a stronger position than ever as 2020 draws nearer.

The New York Times, one of the prime players in this disgraceful hoax, conceded that “a cloud has been lifted” from Trump’s presidency. While Trump faces a host of frivolous investigations elsewhere, the media-instigated soft coup has fallen apart. Democrats will try to shift the goal posts to various investigatory sideshows, but Mueller’s probe was supposed to be their ace in the hole.

Trump can now move forward and govern from a new position of strength. The suspicion that Trump was a Russian agent, instigated by the media, seeped into the minds of millions of Americans and even influenced foreign policy, as the president was marred by uncertainty surrounding his future in the White House.

Trump was left to fend off accusations of treason for failing to “stand up” to Putin, who became an ubiquitous, Machiavellian figure in the imaginations of most Democrats. The necessity of “stopping Putin” sent Washington, and millions of duped Americans, into fits of rage whenever the president appeared to “play right into Putin’s hands,” as at the Helsinki summit over the summer, when Trump chose not to antagonize Putin over election interference, or when Trump announced plans to pull out of Syria, an ally of Russia.

Riding high on the Democrats’ defeat, Trump can now call for a vigorous counter-investigation into how the Russiagate hoax was allowed to take off in the first place. Trump could hardly be in a better position, as demands grow for a reckoning for the perpetrators of the “real” collusion, namely, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, who instigated a soft-coup attempt against a sitting president with a prejudiced investigation based on unverified political opposition research known as the Christopher Steele dossier.

“Lock him up” is falling apart as “lock her up” seems more plausible than ever. With the total collapse of the Russia collusion hoax, president Trump has never appeared stronger, and his enemies have never looked so vulnerable.

Democrats devastated by Trump’s vindication on Russia collusion Democrats devastated by Trump’s vindication on Russia collusion Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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