After Democrats promised jail time for Trump and his family, Robert Mueller’s report comes up short

Collusion! Treason! Bombshell! With words like these, Democrats and their journalist friends have ranted and raved about the Trump family’s imminent demise for more than two years.

But while they’ve promised for months that the Trump family would soon be leaving the White House in handcuffs, the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is now imploding in real time. Indeed, Trump has been vindicated and the hoax peddlers have finally been exposed.

Dems who promoted Russiagate eat crow

After Robert Mueller concluded his investigation with no new indictments on Friday, the investigation that consumed the American public for more than two years ended not with a bang, but with a whimper. Now, the Democrats who were so certain that Trump was a Russian agent are eating humble pie.

But before the left tries to rewrite history, it’s important to preserve a record of what actually happened. To that end, Grabien recently pieced together a highlights reel of Democrats, Deep State agents, and liberal media talking heads hyping up the bigger than Watergate conspiracy that never was.

Their account shows that day after day, talking heads went on air to pontificate that the president’s downfall was just around the corner. Only two weeks ago, former CIA chief John Brennan, one of the top promoters of the hoax, told MSNBC that Mueller would hand down his report soon with “the final indictments” that would, at last, bring about the long-awaited reckoning of the commander-in-chief. And he was far from the only one.

Chatter of conspiracy, treason, and imminent jail time rebounded off the padded walls of the mainstream media’s echo chamber for two-plus years, as the likes of Brennan, Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Hayes, Michael Avenatti, and Jake Tapper frothed about “bombshell” after “bombshell.” With each new phony indictment that Mueller brought, the media went into a fit of delusional speculation that the “noose was tightening” around Trump’s neck.

Indeed, the likes of Joy Behar, Kathy Griffin, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, and Stephen Colbert publicly gloated about the president’s downfall for months. In one segment from his show, comedian-turned-anti-Trump-activist Colbert “connected the dots” on a chalkboard to sketch the image of Trump in a jail cell.

“I think they’re all going to end up in jail and maybe that’s a good thing,” Behar of The View said earlier this month, echoing Brzezinski, who projected that the Trump family would wind up in prison “for the rest of their lives.”

Democrats like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) also expressed total conviction that Trump was guilty of collusion or even treason, without evidence, and would soon end up in prison.

“My takeaway is there’s a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office the Justice Department may indict him, that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time,” Schiff said in December. “We have been discussing the issue of pardons that the president may offer to people or dangle in front of people. The bigger pardon question may come down the road as the next president has to determine whether to pardon Donald Trump.”

On to the next hoax!

But in spite of the months of promises from Dems, Robert Mueller vindicated what anyone with some common sense was able to piece together a long time ago: there was no collusion. For Trump supporters, it feels like Election Night 2016 all over again — the Democrats are once again learning that you can’t always get what you want.

Meanwhile, the talking heads who promoted the hoax are in visibly low spirits. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews raged over why Mueller “let Trump off the hook,” while fellow host Rachel Maddow appeared to get emotional on-air in the wake of the crushing “news.”

Will the fraudsters apologize? Unlikely. Did they accept defeat gracefully on Nov. 8, 2016?

Right on cue, the Democrats are now shamelessly shifting the goal-posts. It was never about collusion, the very people who spent two years hyping up collusion are insisting. Instead, their focus has mysteriously shifted to the Southern District of New York, where they say the real impeachment evidence will surely be found.

Indeed, the talking heads are doing what every deranged person does when confronted with evidence that blows up their paranoid fantasies: they’re doubling down, and even turning on the once almighty Mueller. Mueller found no collusion, but there’s still evidence of collusion out there, they insist — in the underlying documents from Mueller’s investigation, in Trump’s high school yearbook, on Mars perhaps.

Some have even begun to wonder whether the once-infallible Mueller covered up the collusion.

Will there be any formal accountability for this disgrace? Probably not. But Americans who watched the Democrats lie to the country for two years straight won’t soon forget.

After Democrats promised jail time for Trump and his family, Robert Mueller’s report comes up short After Democrats promised jail time for Trump and his family, Robert Mueller’s report comes up short Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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