Megan McCain Unleashes On Behar/Liberals And The Audience Went WILD!

Megan McCain unloaded on Hillary Clinton and Hollywood for bigotry against conservatives Friday, and the audience erupted into applause.


“I don’t really watch award shows anymore. And maybe — I know there’s a segment of the population that thinks Trump jokes are hilarious, making fun of Republicans is hilarious — I’m here to tell you that Hillary Clinton cameos, all that, I’m so turned off. I have no interest in being lectured to about my friends who are Trump supporters.”

“And if Hollywood wants to like, be more inclusive, as they claim they are — they’re all inclusive except when it comes to conservative values and except when it comes to Republicans and I’m not interested in watching that.”

The audience then erupted into applause.

Friday’s show also featured a daily dose of anti-Trump rhetoric from Joy Behar.

Behar said that the Trump family is all “going to end up together in prison. And maybe that’s a good thing.”

Via DailyCaller

by Doyle Alexander via enVolve
Megan McCain Unleashes On Behar/Liberals And The Audience Went WILD! Megan McCain Unleashes On Behar/Liberals And The Audience Went WILD! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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